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4 Desember 2024 14:00

Don't just add salt, here are some tricks to save dishwashing soap so it lasts and stays dry.

In order for the cleaning power to be more optimal, you can add one more ingredient. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Don't just add salt, here are some tricks to save dishwashing soap so it lasts and stays dry. foto: TikTok/@bang.zen_almuttaqin

Brilio.net - Using dishwashing soap is an inevitable daily routine in every household. The process of washing dishes makes this soap run out very quickly.

It is not uncommon for a newly purchased bottle of soap to run out in a matter of weeks. This can of course be a waste that drains the household budget, especially if you are not careful in using it.

One effective technique to save on dishwashing soap usage is to utilize salt. Salt , besides being readily available and cheap, can be a smart solution to reduce the amount of soap used every day. By adding a little salt to dishwashing soap, you can make it more foamy and effective in cleaning eating and cooking utensils.

This method not only helps save money, but is also environmentally friendly because it reduces soap waste that is disposed of into the waterway. In addition, salt has mild abrasive properties that can help remove stubborn stains without damaging the surface of plates and other utensils. That way, we can maintain kitchen cleanliness more efficiently without having to buy dish soap often.

But to maximize its cleaning power, you can add one more ingredient. This ingredient was once used by the owner of the TikTok account @bang.zen_almuttaqin. Through one of the videos uploaded, he admitted that this additional ingredient can make dishwashing soap more economical and still make kitchen utensils dry.

photo: TikTok/@bang.zen_almuttaqin

As reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @bang.zen_almuttaqin on Wednesday (4/12), the kitchen ingredient in question is citric acid. So, you only need to prepare a bowl first for the dishwashing soap container. After that, pour 5 tablespoons of dishwashing soap and 2 tablespoons of citric acid. Then add 3 tablespoons of table salt.

photo: TikTok/@bang.zen_almuttaqin

Next, stir all these ingredients until they are completely mixed evenly. After that, pour in clean water, approximately 1 small glass. If so, stir all the ingredients again. But make sure you don't stir it too hard so that there is no excess foam caused.

photo: TikTok/@bang.zen_almuttaqin

Well, this prepared dish soap can be used immediately. Compared to just using additional salt, this mixture can make furniture cleaner and drier. This is because oil stains on furniture will be easier to remove when washed with soap that has been mixed with salt and citric acid.

Mixing salt and citric acid into dish soap can increase its cleaning effectiveness because the combination of these ingredients has special properties that support the cleaning process. The citric acid in citric acid helps remove soap residue that often leaves a slippery feeling on kitchen utensils. Salt also plays a role in providing an abrasive effect on the surface being cleaned, so that kitchen utensils feel cleaner and free from soap residue.

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