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25 Juni 2024 02:30

Date pumpkin apem recipe, super soft and filling

At first glance it looks like a torn cake~ Nadhifah

Brilio.net - Apem has a soft texture , suitable for consumption by various groups. Usually apem is made from wheat flour, tapioca, sugar and yeast. To make it more filling , you can add pumpkin and dates to the mixture.

So that the results don't fail, here is a recipe for date pumpkin apem that BrilioFood has released from the Instagram account @hestri.susilowati.

photo: Instagram/@hestri.susilowati

Material A:
- 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp instant yeast
- 3 tbsp warm water
- 1 tablespoon sugar

Material B:
- 250 gr yellow pumpkin
- 5 tablespoons granulated sugar
- 150 ml date milk
- 1 egg

Material C:
- 200 gr all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp baking powder

Other ingredients:
- Grated coconut, steamed with a little salt and 1 pandan leaf

How to make:
1. Mix all ingredients A, stir until smooth, let stand for a few moments until the dough expands slightly.
2. Steam the pumpkin until soft, then mash it with the help of a fork. Add granulated sugar, stir well then add milk and eggs, stir again until evenly mixed.
3. Add ingredient C while sifting, stir well with the help of a spatula.
4. Then add ingredient A, stir well, cover the container with a clean cloth, let sit for 45-1 hour. Then pour into a 20x20 cm mold that has been greased with oil and lined with baking paper.
5. Heat the steamer, steam the apem over low heat for 20 minutes. Serve with grated coconut.

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