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10 Juli 2024 04:29

A typical Lombok taliwang chicken recipe, tender and deliciously spiced

Those who miss Lombok, come closer~ Nadhifah
foto: Instagram/@iriani.sunyi

Brilio.net - There are many typical Lombok dishes that taste delicious, one of which is taliwang chicken. This chicken is prepared using special spices and then grilled until cooked. If you haven't had time to go to Lombok, you can make it yourself at home. The following is a recipe for typical Lombok taliwang chicken which is tender and has kicking spices, reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @iriani.sunyi.

photo: Instagram/@iriani.sunyi

- 1 chicken
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar, comb
- Salt to taste
- Enough water

- 7 cloves of garlic
- 15 red onions
- 2 kencur segments
- 1 tomato
- 1 tsp rebon or 1 cm shrimp paste
- 10 curly chilies
- 10 cayenne peppers

How to make:
1. Saute the ground spices until fragrant. Add the chicken and mix well with the spices. Cook, stirring frequently, until the spices are cooked or the chicken changes color.
2. Pour enough water. Add sugar and salt to taste. Cook until the chicken is cooked and tender. Taste test, cook again until the water runs out.
3. Grill the chicken and spices until dry and perfectly grilled.

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