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27 Desember 2024 20:00

7 Foods that are often filled with formalin, be aware and know how to remove it in 10-20 minutes

It is important to recognize food ingredients that often contain formalin so that you can be more alert when shopping. Agustin Wahyuningsih
foto: Pixabay/Artur Pawlak

Brilio.net - Formalin is a dangerous chemical compound that is unfortunately still often misused as a food preservative. This substance is actually used to preserve corpses or laboratory specimens, but unscrupulous traders often use it to extend the shelf life of food. In fact, the use of formalin in food is very dangerous to health and is prohibited by the government.

The dangers of formalin in food.

Formalin that enters the body through food can cause various health problems, ranging from mild to serious. Some of the dangerous effects of consuming formalin foods include:
- Irritation of the digestive tract
- Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
- Liver and kidney damage
- Nervous system disorders
- Cancer
- Death (in cases of acute poisoning)

It is important to recognize food ingredients that are often formalined so that you can be more vigilant when shopping. Here is a review of seven foods that often contain formalin along with how to remove them , summarized by BrilioFood , Friday (12/27).

1. Salted fish.

Salted fish is one of the food ingredients that is often formalined because traders want to extend its shelf life. Salted fish with formalin usually looks whiter, cleaner, and is not infested with flies.

How to remove formalin from salted fish:
- Soak in warm water for 15 minutes
- Add table salt to the soaking water
- Rinse with running water
- Boil before consumption

2. Wet noodles.

Wet noodles often contain formalin to make their texture more chewy and durable. Wet noodles with formalin are characterized by being non-sticky and very elastic.

How to remove formalin from wet noodles:
- Soak in hot water for 10 minutes
- Add vinegar to the soaking water
- Wash with running water
- Boil before cooking

3. Know.

photo: Pixabay/hanul choi

Tofu is a food ingredient that is often formalinized because of its perishable nature. Tofu with formalin is usually harder, does not crumble easily, and can last for days at room temperature.

How to remove formalin from tofu:
- Soak in warm water for 15-20 minutes
- Add salt to the soaking water
- Rinse with clean water
- Boil before processing

4. Fresh fish.

Fresh fish are sometimes preserved with formalin to make them look fresher longer. Fish with formalin have bright red gills even though they are old, very hard meat, and no flies on them.

How to remove formalin from fresh fish:
- Soak in warm salt water for 20 minutes
- Add a squeeze of lime juice
- Wash thoroughly with running water
- Boil before processing

5. Cut chicken.

photo: Pixabay/Eko Anug

Broiler chickens are sometimes preserved with formalin to prevent them from rotting quickly. Chickens with formalin usually look whiter, harder, and are free from flies.

How to remove formalin from broiler chicken:
- Soak in warm water for 20-30 minutes
- Add salt and vinegar to the soaking water.
- Rinse with clean water
- Boil before processing

6. Squid and shrimp.

Squid and shrimp often contain formalin because of their perishable nature. Squid and shrimp with formalin usually look whiter, harder, and do not smell fishy.

How to remove formalin from squid and shrimp:
- Soak in warm water for 15 minutes
- Add lime juice and salt
- Wash thoroughly with running water
- Boil before cooking

7. Canned sea fish.

Canned sea fish sometimes contain formalin as a preservative. Canned fish with formalin usually has a color that is too bright and a very hard texture.

How to remove formalin from canned fish:
- Drain the water/oil from the can
- Soak in warm water for 15 minutes
- Rinse with clean water
- Boil before consumption

To avoid food that is often formalinized, it is best to always buy from trusted sellers and pay attention to the physical characteristics of the food. If you find suspicious food, it is better not to buy or consume it. Health is a long-term investment that must be maintained by consuming food that is safe and free from hazardous materials such as formalin.

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