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3 Agustus 2024 15:30

5 HokBen style clear soup recipes, tasty, practical and umami.

If you like this menu, there's no harm in trying to create it at home. Ida Setyaningsih
5 HokBen style clear soup recipes, tasty, practical and umami. Instagram/@auliawind;YouTube/Recipedia ID

Brilio.net - Soup with clear sauce is the most suitable for increasing appetite. One of the delicious soups is HokBen's clear soup. This soup has a savory taste and is suitable to be served in cold weather or when your stomach feels hungry.

This clear soup also has a light taste which is suitable to be eaten as a main dish or a complement. Enjoyed with rice and fried chicken, this menu is even more special. It's not surprising that many people like it and often look for it in restaurants.

If you like this menu, there's no harm in trying to create it at home . With simple ingredients that are easy to find, you can make this dish yourself at home. The method is not complicated with fast serving. Here are 5 HokBen style clear soup recipes, tasty, practical and umami, as compiled by BrilioFood from various sources, Saturday (3/8).

1. Simple HokBen style clear soup.

Photo: Instagram/@zhileea

- 1 white tofu, cut into small cubes
- 1 spring onion, thinly sliced
- Royco (if you don't have it, you can replace it with oyster sauce to make it more delicious)
- Soy sauce to taste
- Salt to taste
- Pepper powder to taste

How to make:
1. Boil tofu with about 500 ml of water.
2. When boiling, add salt, pepper, oyster sauce and soy sauce. Adjust the taste until it's just right.
3. Add the spring onions and stir well, then remove from heat and serve.

2. Savory HokBen style clear soup.

Photo: Instagram/@auliawind

- White tofu
- Green onions, thinly sliced
- Sesame oil to taste
- Soy sauce to taste
- Totole / broth according to taste
- A little pepper (if your child can't eat pepper yet, you can omit it)

How to make:
1. Boil water until it boils, then add the tofu.
2. Add spring onions.
3. Add stock, sesame oil, soy sauce and pepper.
4. Check the taste, wait until it boils again, then serve.

3. HokBen umami style clear soup.

Photo: YouTube/Mama Han Kitchen

- 1 pack of white tofu
- 1 liter of water
- 2 tablespoons sesame oil
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 blocks of chicken flavored stock
- 1 spring onion, sliced

How to make:
1. Cut the tofu into cubes.
2. Prepare the chopped spring onions.
3. Put water in a pan, add sesame oil, soy sauce, stock powder and salt. Bring to a boil.
4. After boiling, add the tofu.
5. Add green onions and serve.

4. Practical HokBen style clear soup.

Photo: YouTube/Corner House Kitchen

- 1 Japanese tofu
- 1 spring onion, finely sliced
- 2 tsp soy sauce
- 1 tsp ground pepper
- 1 tsp stock powder
- 1 tsp salt
- 500 ml of water
- Button mushrooms
- Chicken meat

How to make:
1. Boil water until it boils, then add the chicken meat.
2. Add soy sauce, ground pepper, salt and stock powder.
3. Add mushrooms and tofu.
4. Wait until it is cooked.

5. HokBen style clear soup with homemade dashi.

Photo: YouTube/Recipedia ID

- Know Chinese
- Anchovy
- Leek
- Sesame oil
- Garlic

How to make:
1. Roast the anchovies then mash them.
2. Saute chopped garlic in sesame oil, then add water.
3. Add other ingredients and cook until cooked.

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