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24 Juli 2024 08:45

This old portrait of Ernest Prakasa during his lectures makes you look twice, it is said to look like Cellos

Guaranteed to be stunned after seeing the photo. Syeny Wulandari
This old portrait of Ernest Prakasa during his lectures makes you look twice, it is said to look like Cellos

Brilio.net - Gaining knowledge until college is everyone's big dream, including celebrities. Some people think that at college, they will gain knowledge and experience for their future work. Apart from that, during college there are always unforgettable life experiences.

Especially when you migrate and live far from your parents. These celebrities go through many life processes until they are finally able to complete their education at college.

To remember the sweet days of college, many celebrities share their old portraits on social media. Like recently Ernest Prakasa uploaded his photo when he was still in college. This old photo uploaded on Tuesday (23/7) shows his face when he was young.

It is known that before entering the world of Indonesian comedians, Ernest Prakasa studied at the Department of International Relations at Padjadjaran University (Unpad). At that time he was studying while becoming a radio announcer.

"Sent a photo from college days with @galihhh. Hopefully this will make it clear now why @meiranastasia was attracted to him in the first place," said Ernest, quoted by brilio.net from Instagram @ernestprakasa.


In the photo, the man who was born on January 29 1982 is seen in the middle of a group of other students in the campus area. He wore a plain white shirt and jeans, a typical student clothing style of his time.

Apart from that, Ernest's hair looks a bit bald compared to his current appearance. His facial expression still shows his humorous side.

However, what makes the focus wrong is that Ernest's old appearance is considered to have similarities with Yoshua Marcellos alias Cellos Botak. Cello himself is known as a TikToker who once invited the President of the Republic of Indonesia to do a Ronaldo-style siuu celebration.

Young Ernest's resemblance to Cellos is mainly seen in the shape of his face and hair style. Some netizens even commented that they had to look at the photo twice to make sure it was Ernest, not Cellos.

"It's like celoz, hahaha," said @allya_sydh

"anjir just wanted to talk like celos hahaha," said @panggih_dino_p

"What are you doing celoss hahaha," @nananinaa____

"It's so hard to tell Anjir apart, why does Ernest look like Celoz hahaha," wrote @fauzanhkim

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