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24 Mei 2024 04:25

These 9 causes of ringing in the ears should not be ignored, it could be a serious health problem

Starting from general to specific, the causes need to be addressed as early as possible. Brilio.net
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Brilio.net - Ringing in the ears or tinnitus is a condition where a person hears sounds such as buzzing, hissing or whirring without any sound source. Even though it is often considered a minor nuisance and ignored, ringing in the ears is actually a sign of a serious health problem.

Many factors can cause ringing in the ears. Starting from exposure to loud noises, blood circulation disorders, to certain medical conditions, such as Meniere's disease or even tumors.

One of the common causes of ringing in the ears is constant exposure to loud noises. This factor is often experienced by workers in noisy environments or music fans who listen to sound at high volumes. Blood circulation disorders, such as poor circulation, can also cause ringing in the ears. This irregular blood flow even affects the overall function of the ear. Apart from that, medical conditions such as Meniere's disease also affect the fluid balance in the ear.

Even though there is no direct treatment, you can still suppress this condition in various ways. For example, avoiding exposure to loud noises, keeping blood pressure stable, and managing stress. Some therapies such as cognitive behavioral and sound can also help distract the ears from ringing sounds.

Apart from the causes mentioned above, there are other factors that you need to know about ringing in your ears. Below, brilio.net compiled a summary from several sources, Thursday (23/5).

(Intern/Robiul Adil Robani)

1. Decreased ear function.

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Ringing in the ears can be a sign of damage to the hair cells in the ear. Ordinary hair cells are responsible for converting sound vibrations into signals that the brain receives. If left untreated, the function of hair cells will decrease periodically.

2. Otosclerosis.

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Otosclerosis is a condition in which abnormal bone growth occurs in the middle ear, which can cause ringing in the ears (tinnitus). This bone growth can interfere with the movement of the stapes, one of the small bones in the middle ear which functions to transmit sound to the inner ear. When the stapes cannot move freely, it can interfere with sound transmission and cause symptoms of ringing in the ears, decreased hearing, and sometimes dizziness.

Otosclerosis can be treated with medication, using hearing aids, or in more severe cases requires surgery to replace the bone affected by the prosthetic implant.

3. Atherosclerosis.

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Atherosclerosis is a condition in which plaque builds up in the arteries, which can cause narrowing and hardening of the arteries. If atherosclerosis occurs in the arteries that supply blood to the ear, it can disrupt blood flow to the inner ear and cause ringing in the ears (tinnitus). Narrowing of the arteries caused by atherosclerosis can reduce the supply of blood and oxygen to the inner ear, causing problems with the hair cells in the ear.

Treatment for atherosclerosis can include healthy lifestyle changes, healthy diet, exercise, controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol, and other medical treatments.

4. Injury to the head or neck.

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Head or neck injuries can cause ringing in the ears (tinnitus). Injuries such as hard blows to the head or neck can damage structures inside the ear, including the hair cells in the cochlea which are important for hearing. Injury can also disrupt the signals sent by the auditory nerve to the brain, causing a ringing sensation. It is important to get immediate medical care after a head or neck injury to evaluate the impact on the ear and prevent further problems.

5. Depression or anxiety.

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Depression and anxiety can have physical impacts on the body, including the auditory system. Chronic stress can trigger changes in blood circulation and blood pressure. This in turn can affect blood flow to the inner ear. In addition, emotional disorders such as depression and anxiety can also increase sensitivity to physical sensations, including ringing in the ears that may have existed before. Treating depression and anxiety with appropriate therapy can help reduce symptoms of ringing in the ears.

6. Hypertension.

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Hypertension or high blood pressure can cause ringing in the ears (tinnitus) through several mechanisms. High blood pressure can damage blood vessels throughout the body, including the inner ear. Damage to these blood vessels can disrupt the flow of blood and oxygen to the inner ear, which can cause a ringing sensation.

Hypertension can also increase the risk of atherosclerosis, where plaque deposits in the arteries, including the arteries that supply blood to the ears. This condition can worsen the disruption of blood flow to the inner ear and worsen the symptoms of ringing in the ears. Keeping blood pressure back to normal by following the doctor's advice is a good choice.

7. Effect of drugs.

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Some drug side effects can cause ringing in the ears (tinnitus). For example, using high doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and aspirin. In addition, several types of antibiotics such as aminoglycosides and quinolones are also known to cause tinnitus in some people.

Certain medications used to treat cancer, diuretics, and medications that affect the central nervous system can also cause tinnitus. It's best to consult a doctor regarding the dosage if you are taking medication.

8. Blockage due to dirt.

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Dirt that clogs the ears can cause ringing in the ears (tinnitus) because it can interfere with the flow of sound to the inner ear. The human ear has a canal that connects the outer ear to the middle ear, which is called the auditory canal. When wax builds up in the auditory canal, it can cause obstacles for sound to enter the inner ear. As a result, the sound signal received by the inner ear can be distorted, causing a ringing sensation.

It is important to clean your ears carefully and safely using proper techniques. You can also get help from a health professional if you have problems with wax accumulating in your ears.

9. Tumors in the auditory system or brain.

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Tumors that grow around the inner ear or auditory nerve can exert pressure. Tumors can also interfere with the normal function of the ear and cause a ringing sensation. Apart from that, tumors in the brain can also affect the signals sent by the auditory nerve to the brain.

If your ears ring consistently, you should consult a doctor. That way the doctor can perform a physical examination and additional tests to determine whether the ringing in the ears requires treatment or not.

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