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2 Agustus 2024 12:40

Syahrini was blessed with children at the age of 44, Aisyahrani revealed their gender and initials

Syahrini has been waiting for this moment since getting married in 2019. Syeny Wulandari
Syahrini was blessed with children at the age of 44, Aisyahrani revealed their gender and initials

Brilio.net - Syahrini has just given birth to her first child on her birthday which falls on Thursday (1/8). The singer of the song Something gave birth at 39 weeks of gestation. Through uploads on her Instagram account, Syahrini expressed her gratitude for the birth of her first child.

Of course this is a special gift for Syahrini. Coinciding with her age, she was given the opportunity to become a mother.

"Thank you, Lord. We are getting older this year, and today coincides with the birth of our baby. The long wait has ended beautifully," wrote Syahrini, quoted by brilio.net from Instagram @princessyahrini on Friday (2/8).

This happiness is of course also felt by her husband, Reino Barack. Remembering that both of them have been waiting for this moment since they got married in 2019.

The woman who was born on August 1 1980 also did not forget to thank Reino Barack. During her pregnancy, Syahrini showed how her husband always treated her like a queen.

"Thank you to my husband who is extraordinarily pampering and always ready to accompany me. Welcome to fatherhood, the best priest @reinobarack," he concluded.


Unfortunately, Syahrini did not show the child's face and identity. However, in the uploaded photo you can see a pink background, many believe that Syahrini and Reino Barack's first child will be a girl.

This was then reinforced by the upload of Syahrini's sister, Aisyahrani. He revealed that Syahrini's first child was a girl with the initial "R".

"Alhamdulillaahh, God, thank you, God, Allahuakbar. Baby R, you are so beautiful, Aunt Rani, gemesss, you are so cute," said Aisyahrani from Instagram @syh55.

As if giving an answer to many netizens who doubted the pregnancy and birth of her sister's first child, Aisyahrani said that she had already held Syahrini and Reino Barack's first daughter.

Rani, her nickname, also informed that the baby had slanted eyes. He couldn't hold back his excitement and wanted to bite Princess R.

"Last night Aunt Rani was carrying you, you opened her squinty eyes. Ouch, I wanted to bite her. Welcome to the world of beautiful children. I hope you are always healthy," he added.

Seeing Syahrini and Reino Brack's happiness over the gift of their first child, Aisyahrani also congratulated them. He also prayed for happiness for his brother and his small family.

"Congratulations to Mommy Incess and Daddy Reino. Your happiness is complete. MasyaAllah. Please be happy anyway. Aunt Rani, Uncle Jeff will come again tomorrow, beautiful," he said.


Until this news was published, Syahrini still had not shown the child's face or identity. However, many people were happy to welcome the birth of the singer of the Best Love's child.

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