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20 Maret 2016 13:13

Shoshanna’s awesome apartment from Girls is up for grabs on Airbnb

How does living in a TV show’s awesome apartment sounds? Retno Wulandari
Shoshanna’s awesome apartment from Girls is up for grabs on Airbnb © 2016 airbnb

Brilio.net/en - If you happen to be a big fan of Girls (an American comedy-drama television series created by Lena Dunham) with an obsession over Shoshanna's (Zosia Mamet) Tokyo apartment in Season 5, brace yourself: the apartment is actually available on Airbnb!

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Imagevia herenow

Reversible Destiny Lofts is a spacious two-bedroom apartment and stands as a state of the art with its brightly colored walls, shower pod and hammock. The loft is located in the Mitaka region of Tokyo, and rents for US$137 per night.

The unique, colorful building was designed by Shusaku Arakawa and Madeline Gins, a couple who have collaborated on a variety of properties, including three more in Japan and two in New York.

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Image viathefunambulistdotnet

As an artistic work, Reversible Destiny was featured in a 1997 exhibition at the Guggenheim.

Image viavia ibukimagazine

Imagevia airbnb

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