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14 Juni 2024 10:20

Reporting the former manager for alleged embezzlement, Fuji said the losses reached billions of rupiah

Fuji said that a lot of work results did not go into his account. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
foto: Instagram/@fuji_an

Brilio.net - Celebrity Fuji recently reported its former manager, Batara, for alleged embezzlement. Batara has submitted a request for mediation to Fuji regarding this case. However, the sister-in-law of the late Vanessa Angel admitted that she was reluctant to respond to this request.

It is not without reason that Fuji's attitude is like that because he feels that the reported party has never shown good faith all this time. Without being half-hearted, Fuji admitted that the losses due to embezzlement reached billions of rupiah. This celebrity with 16 million followers on Instagram said that a lot of work results did not go into his account.

photo: Instagram/@fuji_an

"Up to (billions). At that time, it turned out that I found new evidence, there were new contracts that I didn't even know existed," said Fuji at the West Jakarta Metro Police, as reported by merdeka6.com on Friday (14/6 ).

"So it seems like a lot of people who come to me are empty, 0 rupiah," he continued.

Apart from material loss, Fuji also admitted that his former manager's behavior had damaged his good name. He is often considered unprofessional in carrying out work contracts. In fact, as far as Fuji knows, the brand has not made any payments. Meanwhile, recognition from their brand has sent some money.

photo: Instagram/@fuji_an

"There were people who were blacklisted because they thought I didn't upload. Even though what I know is that this brand didn't pay. Meanwhile, the brand knows that I was paid, but didn't upload," he said.

Fuji also added that since Batara became his manager, many work contracts had been abandoned. Even though Fuji itself does not know what its obligations are in the contract. This issue should be handled by the manager. Fuji also said that his former manager was not trustworthy.

"I also uploaded it, so it seemed like it took a long time. Even though the person who scheduled the upload was supposed to be the responsibility of my manager. But he didn't trust me," he said.

All this time, Aunt Gala felt like she had worked hard but never felt the results. Moreover, he also said that a lot of payments were not received for the hard work that had been done. He was confused about where the money went.

"I don't know either, I don't know whether the money comes in. I feel like working has no results. Work, work, work has no results, where does the money go," said Fuji.

Fuji admitted that this alleged embezzlement case had traumatized him. He is always wary when meeting new people. Fuji admitted that it was difficult to trust other people again.

photo: Instagram/@fuji_an

"Very traumatized, I was traumatized by this person. He and I were very close, went everywhere together, sometimes played together. So because of that case, I went to my manager who is now worried, and my new friend was worried, It's hard to trust people," he concluded.

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