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15 Agustus 2024 17:35

[QUIZ] If you had Rp3.15 billion like Sandra Dewi, what would you buy if you lived in Jogja?

What can you use that much money for if you live in Jogja? Adnan Qurunul Bahri
[QUIZ] If you had Rp3.15 billion like Sandra Dewi, what would you buy if you lived in Jogja? Foto ilustrasi: Pexels; Instagram/ @sandradewi88

Brilio.net - Imagine if you suddenly got a cash flow of Rp3.15 billion, like Sandra Dewi. Well, what can you use that much money for if you live in Jogja? Starting from property, vehicles, to investments, all are possible! Come on, check what you will buy with the money and see if your choices can make you richer in Jogja!

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