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26 Juni 2024 08:00

Protect yourself from dengue fever (DHF), here are 9 ways to avoid mosquito bites

There is no specific treatment for dengue fever. Niko Sulpriyono
Headline: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Recently, cases of dengue fever (DHF) have soared. The virus carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito spreads everywhere and carries a deadly disease, namely dengue fever. According to kemkes.go.id, as of March 1 2024, there were nearly 16,000 cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DBD) in 213 Regencies/Cities in Indonesia with 124 deaths.

According to the World Health Organization or WHO, the symptoms caused by dengue fever are usually only mild and will improve in 1-2 weeks. However, there are several symptoms that you can see when suffering from dengue fever such as high fever (40C/104F), severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain, nausea, vomiting, swollen glands and rash. .

Continuous symptoms may reappear if the fever has disappeared. The symptoms of dengue fever that usually appear when the fever has disappeared include severe stomach pain, continuous vomiting, rapid breathing, bleeding gums or nose, fatigue, restlessness, blood in vomit or stool, frequent thirst, pale skin and feeling weak.

You need to know that there is no specific treatment for dengue fever. The focus of treatment is the pain symptoms suffered by dengue fever sufferers. The drug usually taken for dengue fever is Acetaminophen (paracetamol) which is often used to control pain.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that dengue fever is dangerous for the surrounding environment and family. The most appropriate way is to avoid mosquito bites to prevent dengue fever. There are 9 ways to avoid mosquito bites which have been summarized by brilio.net from various sources on Tuesday (25/6).

1. Wear long clothes

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One way you can avoid mosquito bites is to wear long clothes. Apart from that, you can wear a hat, long-sleeved shirt and long trousers when doing activities outside.

2. Use mosquito repellent

Mosquito repellent is one of the best ways to prevent mosquito bites. Please note that children and pregnant people must also protect themselves from dengue mosquitoes and mosquito repellent is effective in preventing mosquito bites. It is recommended to use topical mosquito repellent rather than mosquito smoke.

3. Avoid perfume

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Avoiding the use of perfume or strong fragrances can be an important step to prevent mosquito bites, especially in the context of dengue fever. Strong-smelling perfumes or fragrances can attract mosquitoes and increase the likelihood of them approaching the human body in search of a food source, namely blood. The Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is the main vector of the virus that causes dengue fever, is attracted to various odors, including fragrances and perfume.

4. Maintain cleanliness

Cleanliness is the key to avoiding dangerous mosquito bites such as Aedes aegypti. Mosquitoes really like dirty and damp places. Apart from a clean environment, you also have to maintain personal hygiene. Like when you sweat until it gets wet and makes your skin damp. As said by Dr. Piliang reported from health.clevelandclinic.org that mosquitoes are attracted to substances released by the body when sweating because they contain lactic acid.

5. Keep the water reservoir clean

Mosquitoes love to breed in puddles or water reservoirs. Items that have the potential to become mosquito nests include bird baths, flower pots and water buckets, trash cans, and play equipment such as children's pools. Apart from that, you can spray it with insecticide and keep the water reservoir closed to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

6. Close the window

Closing the windows is an option to prevent mosquitoes from entering the house. Mosquitoes usually enter through house windows and breed in the corners of the house. So you have to make sure to always close the windows of the house and clean damp areas in the house.

7. Stay indoors

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Staying indoors can be an effective strategy for you to reduce the risk of mosquito bites, especially in areas that have a high mosquito population or spread of mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever. By reducing the time spent outdoors, especially during times that are vulnerable to mosquito activity such as morning and dusk, you can minimize exposure to mosquitoes that can cause bites.

8. Use mosquito nets

You can also prevent mosquito bites by using mosquito nets. Mosquito nets function as a physical barrier that can prevent mosquitoes from entering and disturbing you during rest time. Apart from that, mosquito nets also provide additional benefits in terms of sleeping comfort, because they provide a sense of security and calm without the disturbance of mosquitoes which often disturb your night's sleep. You can use a mosquito net made from light and transparent material, so that it still allows good air circulation without making the room feel stuffy.

9. Turn on the fan

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According to clevelandclinic.org, using a fan can prevent mosquito bites and make it difficult for mosquitoes to move. The air produced by a fan can help you avoid mosquitoes which have the potential to carry the Aedes aegypti virus.

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