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20 Mei 2024 07:25

Often said to look like sisters, here are 11 portraits of different styles of Natasha Wilona and Vior

The two of them have met and taken photos together, you know, their looks make it hard to tell them apart~ Sri Jumiyarti Risno
HL: Instagram/@natashawilona12 & Instagram/@nitavior

Brilio.net - E-sports fans will be familiar with the name Nita Vior. Her figure is known to the public for her beauty and innocent characteristics. Apart from that, he is also known as a professional gamer who is often invited to various television shows and podcasts by well-known YouTubers, one of which is Raditya Dika and Deddy Corbuzier.

The appearance of the woman who is familiarly called Vior often seems to be similar to the beautiful soap opera actor, Natasha Wilona . Latest on Dr. Instagram content. Richard, who met Natasha, also mentioned that these two celebrities do have this similarity.

It's not surprising that the two of them are often referred to as sisters, here are 11 portraits of Natasha Wilona and Vior's different styles that are amazing, as reported by brilio.net from Natasha Wilona and Vior's Instagram on Sunday (19/5).

1. Having similar looks, Natasha Wilona and Vior have met before, you know. This is a portrait of their closeness.

photo: Instagram/@natashawilona12 & Instagram/@nitavior

2. Natasha started her career in the entertainment world in 2008 as a soap opera actress. Meanwhile, Vior has become known since being named New Rising Star at the 2021 Nimo Gala.

photo: Instagram/@natashawilona12 & Instagram/@nitavior

3. The two are only 1 year apart, Natasha Wilona was born December 15 1998. Nita Vior herself was born July 26 1999.

photo: Instagram/@natashawilona12 & Instagram/@nitavior

4. These two beautiful women have their own talents, you know. Natasha Wilona is skilled at acting. Meanwhile, Vior keeps playing Mobile Legend.

photo: Instagram/@natashawilona12 & Instagram/@nitavior

5. Apart from being called similar, it turns out that Natasha and Vior both have Chinese blood.

photo: Instagram/@natashawilona12 & Instagram/@nitavior

6. This is their appearance in a semi-formal style. Natasha wore a blue blazer. Meanwhile, Vior wore a black and white blazer.

photo: Instagram/@natashawilona12 & Instagram/@nitavior

7. This is the second style of wearing a hat. They look equally cute huh? Moreover, natural makeup gives the impression of beautiful, healthy skin.

photo: Instagram/@natashawilona12 & Instagram/@nitavior

8. Next, this is their style with glasses. Natasha in a dark outfit. Meanwhile, Vior is wearing a white blouse. Both of them are so charming.

photo: Instagram/@natashawilona12 & Instagram/@nitavior

9. This is how the two celebrities look with blood makeup. Natasha wears a black dress. Vior wore a luxurious floral print dress with striking accessories.

photo: Instagram/@natashawilona12 & Instagram/@nitavior

10. This is Natasha's appearance while watching the concert. Meanwhile, a portrait of Vior enjoying a trip abroad.

photo: Instagram/@natashawilona12 & Instagram/@nitavior

11. Beautiful with their own characteristics, both Natasha and Vior both have long hair styles, you know. Both of them always appear with their hair loose.

photo: Instagram/@natashawilona12 & Instagram/@nitavior

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