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14 Agustus 2024 10:20

Joining in on Cut Intan Nabila's domestic violence case, Pandawara, an environmental care community, made a sharp criticism

Pandawara's upload attracted attention and made a number of people ask them to get rid of the Toreador Armor. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial

Brilio.net - The case of Domestic Violence (KDRT) experienced by celebrity Cut Intan Nabila is currently a hot topic of public discussion. This case was first revealed when Intan uploaded CCTV footage showing the cruel act on her personal Instagram. A number of people were furious at the treatment of Intan's husband, Armor Toreador .

Amidst the heated discussion about the Toreador Armor, Pandawara, an environmental community, also joined in by uploading a sharp message.

Pandawara apologizes for not yet transporting Cut Intan's husband

"We apologize to all Indonesian people, because we have not collected this garbage," said Pandawara on the TikTok account @pandawaragroup.

The message is certainly quite touching, considering that Pandawara is a youth group that mobilizes and influences waste and environmental issues. The group's activities usually involve cleaning up places full of trash. They have done this in various regions of Indonesia.

On the next slide, Pandawara reveals the shape of the trash that has not been cleaned. Of course, it is a photo of Armor Toreador who has recently made many people furious, because he was so cruel to his wife.

This upload is clearly a form of their support for Cut Intan. The mention of trash to Armor shows that they consider domestic violence to be an unacceptable behavior. Pandawara also encouraged Cut Intan to be strong in going through the trials she is experiencing.

"Stay strong, sis Cut Intan Nabila," wrote Pandawara.

The post then went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Many supported Pandawara to immediately collect the trash. Because, his actions of domestic violence are very disturbing.

"This is being thrown away, the gate is being rejected," said the account @anatha's.

"THIS IS NOT GARBAGE, THIS IS A CORPSE," wrote the account @hilois!

"There are so many carts, how could this one be left behind," said the account @achaaaaa

"Kaa, hurry up and transport it," commented the account @ika

Toreador Armor secured by police

Currently, the Bogor Police Criminal Investigation Unit has arrested Armor Toreador at a hotel in the Kemang area, South Jakarta. Armor had left his house after committing the domestic violence. This was conveyed by the Bogor Police Chief, AKBP Rio Wahyu Anggoro.

Pandawara apologizes for not yet transporting Cut Intan's husband

"He has been caught (Armor Toreador)," said Bogor Police Chief, AKBP Rio Wahyu Anggoro, when confirmed regarding the arrest as reported by liputan6.com on Wednesday (14/8).

Chronology recorded by CCTV

Previously, in the CCTV footage distributed by Cut Nabila, there was an argument between her and her husband on the bed. In the midst of the argument, Armor suddenly hit, kicked, and strangled Cut Intan. Even their baby who was sleeping in the same bed was kicked.

Even though Intan had screamed, Armor continued to hit her non-stop. Intan Nabila revealed that this was not the first time she had experienced domestic violence (KDRT). During their 5 years of marriage, she admitted that she had repeatedly been a victim of KDRT from her husband.

Pandawara apologizes for not yet transporting Cut Intan's husband

"All this time I have survived because of my child, this is not the first time I have experienced domestic violence, there are dozens of other videos that I have kept as evidence, I have been married for 5 years, many women's names have colored my household, some are even my friends," said Cut Intan Nabila.

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