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19 April 2017 16:55

Indonesia Rule The International Fire Fighting Robot Home Contest

The event was followed by seven countries from across the continents. Syifa Fauziah
Indonesia Rule The International Fire Fighting Robot Home Contest © Shutterstock

Brilio.net/en - Indonesia represented by Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (PENS) and the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) won overall champion on Trinity College Fire Fighting Home Robot Contest (TCFFHRC) held in Trinity College, United States on April 1 to 2, 2017. On the event followed by seven countries, PENS team secured the first, second and third place on the fire extinguisher wheeled-robot category.

Meanwhile, two teams of UMM consist of InaMuh and UnMuh won the first and second place, respectively on the category of fire extinguisher legged robot. In addition, InaMuh also awarded as the winner for the best poster.

One of the participants from UMM Imam Fatoni expressed what he and his team experienced during the competition when interviewed in Surabaya, some time ago.

"The temperature changed drastically [and] led to a leakage on motor pump two hours before the kickoff. Finally, we made the robot walk. We cleaned up the broken pump and won the second place in legged robot category," said the electrical engineering student quoted from Antara, Sunday.

Imam as mechanic admitted that was his first time to compete with participants from Canada, China, Israel, Portugal, United Arab Emirates and the US. He mentioned China as the toughest competitor due to its flawless track record in similar competition, moreover when they included more than one team.

UMM Rector, Fauzan said they gave special appreciation to students who participate the world-class robot competition. Those students would receive free tuition and individual incentives. In addition, they are not required to work on final project and a number of subjects that are equivalent, such as Robotics, Mechatronics and Micro Controller.

"Each team may still be asked to develop the concept and design it, so that could be brought to robot industrialization," he added.

The development of the concept, according to him was included in the research festival where the entrepreneurship summit was also held.

"There, the best research result of students and lecturers of UMM would be weighed and measured by people. During this moment, the high-quality robot will absolutely attract the industries," said Fauzan.

Meanwhile, the PENS director Zaenal Arief said, these achievements was the umpteenth for PENS, including when they managed to secure the third place at robot competition in Bangkok, Thailand.

"Hopefully, in the coming years, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemristekdikti) will increase the allocation of funds for Indonesian students both in national or international competition," he closed.

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