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14 Juli 2024 15:25

His action of releasing lovebirds into the wild actually triggered insults, this is Saaih Halilintar's clarification

Saaih responded positively and calmly to his actions that sparked controversy Syeny Wulandari

Brilio.net - Saaih Halilintar suddenly became the spotlight of bird lovers because of the content on his TikTok account. This member of the Gen Halilintar family is considered to be endangering the lives of birds because of his decision to release them into the wild.

The video content initially recorded Saaih jogging on the side of the road. Atta Halilintar's younger brother then stopped in front of a shop that sold pet birds. Saaih then took out a Rp. 50 thousand note to buy a lovebird which had a combination of yellow and green.

After buying, Saaih then released the lovebird into the wild. Saaih Halilintar's action then went viral and was flooded with blasphemous comments. Netizens criticized Saaih's actions, because lovebirds usually live in cages and are not used to living in the wild.

photo: TikTok/@saaihalilintar

Saaih responded positively and calmly to his actions that sparked controversy. He admitted that he did it on purpose because he felt sorry for the bird.

"That's because I feel more sorry for the bird," said Saaih when he was a guest star at the FYP event.

He often felt sorry when he saw the birds in the cage. For him, birds should fly freely in nature.

"Honestly, I really love animals. So it's a pity to see birds in cages," he said.

photo: Instagram/@saaihalilintar

Meanwhile, Irfan Hakim , who is also an animal lover, also commented on the viral news about Saaih Halilintar releasing lovebirds into the wild. According to the 48 year old man, Saaih's intentions were actually good, but the decision to release lovebirds that were not suitable for their habitat was not appropriate.

Della Sabrina Indah Putri's husband also provided an understanding for Saaih Halilintar. He said that this bird from Africa should not be just released into the wild.

"Saaih's intention was very good, because it was so that the birds could fly freely properly. However, what Saaih released was a lovebird. This bird cannot be released in Indonesia but must be released in its natural habitat. The lovebird comes from Africa to be precise in Madagascar," explained Irfan.

photo: Instagram/@irfanhakim75

Aurel Hermansyah's brother-in-law admitted that he didn't know much about whether lovebirds should not be released into the wild. However, before releasing the bird, he admitted that he had first asked the person who sold it.

"I actually don't know, but I asked the seller if I could take it off, he said it was safe if I wanted to take it off," answered Saaih.

Then, Irfan Hakim explained again that lovebirds cannot be carelessly released into the wild. The reason is because it can harm the bird itself and the animal environment around it.

"The point is not that birds have to be kept in cages, but that there are some birds that have to be kept in cages. I have a bird that can't fly from birth but it still has the right to fly," stressed the presenter.

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