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20 Juli 2024 09:00

High triglyceride levels can cause stroke, recognize the causes, symptoms and how to deal with them

Triglycerides become dangerous when levels exceed normal levels. Niko Sulpriyono
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Brilio.net - Triglycerides are a type of fat that flows in the blood. In fact, triglycerides function to store calories and provide energy in the body. The foods you usually consume are the main source of triglyceride fat formation. Examples include butter, oil and other fats.

You need to know that triglyceride fat is often confused with cholesterol. In fact, these two types of fat are very different. Cholesterol comes from fat metabolism and functions to build tissue and cells, as well as forming various hormones. However, there are similarities between these two fats, namely that they are both insoluble in the blood.

Triglycerides become dangerous when levels exceed normal levels. Normal levels of triglycerides are less than 150 mg/dL. When these levels exceed, it will cause diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, blood vessel disease, metabolic disease and pancreatitis.

From the explanation above, it can be seen that maintaining triglyceride levels is very important for body health. Apart from that, you also need to know more about the causes, symptoms and ways to deal with high triglycerides which brilio.net has provided from various sources.

Causes of high triglyceride levels

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High triglyceride levels in the body can be caused by various factors, ranging from an unhealthy lifestyle to certain medical conditions. A diet rich in saturated fats and simple carbohydrates, as well as a lack of physical activity, often contributes to elevated triglycerides.

Additionally, genetic factors may also play a role, where some individuals may have an inherited tendency to have high triglyceride levels. Such as obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and hypothyroidism can also cause an increase in triglycerides in the blood.

Not only that, the risk factors for high triglycerides can also be triggered by several factors. The risk factors for high triglycerides are as follows:

- Excess carbohydrates can cause insulin resistance where the body's cells cannot use blood sugar properly. As a result, the liver produces more triglycerides due to a buildup of blood sugar.

- Rarely exercising can make fat accumulate even more.

- Alcohol contains very high levels of sugar and calories. Consuming too much can increase fat stores.

- Eating fatty foods can increase triglycerides in the body.

- Smoking habits can change the concentration of fat in the blood.

Symptoms of high triglycerides

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Please note that triglyceride levels do not always show symptoms even though the levels are quite high. The only way to find out the levels is with a blood test. According to The National Cholesterol Education Program, the levels of triglyceride levels in the body are determined as follows:

- Normal level: Less than 150 milligrams per deciliter.

- High limit: 150 to 199.

- High: 200 to 499.

- Very high: 500 or more.

However, in some cases, when the levels are high enough, you can experience symptoms of pancreatitis. This condition can be characterized by severe pain in the stomach, fever, nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite.

How to deal with high triglyceride levels

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Naturally, the body really needs triglycerides because they provide blood and energy reserves. However, on the other hand, triglyceride levels that are too high can cause health problems such as increased risk of cholesterol, blockage of blood vessels by fat which leads to heart disease, and inflammation of the pancreas. However, there are various natural and easy ways to lower triglycerides that you can try, you know. The ways to deal with high levels of triglycerides are as follows:

1. Reduce sugar consumption

The first way you can reduce triglyceride levels is to reduce sugar intake. This is because added sugar, which is commonly found in packaged foods and drinks, can increase triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels in the body.

In the end, this will make you more susceptible to diabetes and cardiovascular problems. So, try to limit sugar consumption so that it does not exceed 6-9 teaspoons per day by drinking water and choosing snack variants without sugar.

2. Increase your fiber intake

On the other hand, complex carbohydrates and fiber are highly recommended for reducing triglycerides because these two substances can encourage the production of HDL cholesterol which is good for health. In the end, triglyceride levels decreased to normal limits.

3. Consume fatty fish

Considering that triglycerides are blood fats produced by the liver from consuming fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods, you need to increase your intake of fats that are good for your health to reduce their levels. In other words, one way to lower triglycerides naturally is to consume lots of omega-3 from fatty fish.

4. Exercise regularly

The key to effectively lowering triglyceride levels is controlling body weight. This means that to achieve ideal body weight, you must ensure that your daily calorie intake does not exceed the recommended limit. Apart from consuming nutritious low-calorie foods, you also need to burn calories by exercising regularly.

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