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7 Maret 2024 09:40

Choosing to look disheveled for the sake of content, TikTok celebrity Yu Rob, when he was made up as a bride, looked at the pol

Guaranteed to automatically see Yu Rob after his make-up. Khansa Nabilah
Choosing to look disheveled for the sake of content, TikTok celebrity Yu Rob, when he was made up as a bride, looked at the pol foto: TikTok/@yurobofficial

Brilio.net - Yu Rob is a content creator who is popular for his hilarious content. Yu Rob appears with a funny and witty facial expression. His speaking style also uses Javanese which has succeeded in making netizens laugh out loud through his hilarious actions.

Yu Rob is famous for his artist-style home review content. The difference is, the house being reviewed is a village house which is of course very different from a magnificent artist's residence. The home kitchen review video has been watched 26.7 million times on TikTok.

photo: TikTok/@yurobofficial

Even though he has a hilarious face, apparently Yu Rob can still appear calm and feminine. Yu Rob has let go of his bachelorhood by getting married in January 2024. That way, her appearance as a bride is different from her usual appearance.

Yu Rob as a bride looks very feminine. Applying makeup makes her appearance so beautiful. Coupled with red clothing, it makes the bridal aura radiate.

photo: TikTok/@yurobofficial

Yu Rob was made up with soft glamorous make-up which made his appearance elegant. Her style is even more elegant, wearing clothes complete with jasmine ronce and traditional Solo hairpins. Her make-up really matched the navy-hued bridal attire.

photo: Instagram/@kikifebrii

Even though he looked beautiful with bridal makeup when he married his in-laws, it wouldn't be Yu Rob if he didn't look hilarious. Even though he wore bridal make-up to look elegant, Yu Rob's behavior was still humorous like this. However, his appearance, which is usually sloppy when watching content, is really annoying with make-up, right?

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