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20 Juni 2024 16:30

Called blind, Adul denies he has glaucoma and admits he can still see clearly

Adul admitted that he was shocked and sad when he heard the news that he had glaucoma. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial

Brilio.net - Recently, one of the famous comedians in the country, Adul, has been in the public spotlight. The reason is, he is said to be suffering from health problems. This was conveyed by Pandji Pragiwaksono when talking with Kiky Saputri.

Pandji said that Adul was having problems with his vision. It is said that the comedian, whose full name is Abdul Latief, can no longer see as before. In fact, Pandji said that Adul was already blind.

"(Adul) is not feeling well, his eyes can't see now," said Pandji, quoted by brilio.net from the TikTok account @chanelosisi, Thursday (20/6).

It is suspected that the disease that attacked Adul's vision was glaucoma. This statement was said by Anwar defecating when met by media crew.

"Yes, yesterday I saw Bang Pandji's post, he said glaucoma, a type of sugar disease that rises in the eyes," explained Anwar.

photo: Instagram/@pagipagiambyartranstvcorp

Responding to the health problems he was suffering from, Adul finally spoke up. In a talk show he denied that he was suffering from glaucoma. The comedian, who was born in 1983, even said that he could still see clearly.

"There's nothing, there's no glaucoma, let alone blindness. What the hell is glaucoma? You can still see clearly," said Adul on the Pagi Pagi Ambyar program, quoted by brilio.net from the Instagram account @pagipagiambyartranstvcorp on Thursday (20/6).

At that time Adul was present with his wife. Indeed, on several occasions he often appears wearing sunglasses. But he did this to block the glare of the sun.

photo: Instagram/@adulkhan83

"Why do I wear glasses in the morning? Because I can't stand the glare of the sun, that's all, the rest is safe, thank God," said Adul while giggling.

Adul was very surprised when he heard the news that he had glaucoma. Adul also admitted that he was sad to hear the news. However, he didn't want to bother so he didn't respond further.

"Yes, at that time, when I was filming with Komeng, he asked, 'Are you sick?' "I said no, who said he was sick? That's what he said, bro. Komeng heard on one of YouTube that he said he was sick," said Adul.

Even with Pandji Pragiwaksono, the person who made a fuss about his condition, Adul didn't mind it at all. He even prayed for Pandji to always be healthy. Even though Pandji has reported that Adul's condition is not right to the public.

"It's okay, just leave it alone, Pandji Pragiwaksono, he's a good person, he's healthy, Pandji," said Adul.

photo: Instagram/@adulkhan83

Adul also explained the true condition of his eyes. According to his statement, there was indeed a lump of fat but it did not interfere with vision at all. He even joked that his eyes were very clear when he saw money .

"It's been a long time, it's okay. The doctor said it's just fat. It doesn't bother your eyesight. Especially if you look at the cepean money, it's very clear," said Adul.

According to Adul, the fat in his eyes doesn't bother him. However, he was advised to undergo surgery. However, these plans had to be postponed due to Covid.

"But at that time it was Covid, so the operation was postponed. The doctor said that all I had to do was put a tap on it. My view was clear, very clear," concluded the 40-year-old comedian.

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