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23 Juni 2016 13:43

15 life-saving tricks that will be useful one day

Simple things can be very effective at urgent times. Victoria Tunggono
15 life-saving tricks that will be useful one day

Brilio.net/en - We may know a lot of things in this era of technology and information, but sometimes it is the simple things that could save us in emergencies that we might forget or don’t pay attention to. Knowing and remembering at least these 15 things could come in handy when we face an urgent or dangerous situations.

Taken from Tech Insider, below are the best 15 life-saving tips that you might want to save and share to as many people to stay safe:

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1. Your brain can't handle walking and using your phone at the same time — so look up!

Image via ngjyra

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Using your phone while simultaneously walking demands a lot of cognitive effort, said safety adviser Murali Krishnan. Therefore you can't fully focus on both at the same time in the same way you can with walking and gum-chewing, for instance. You'll suffer "inattention blindness," where you may see an object but not process it, which is would could happen if a car speeding toward you.

2. Eliminate your car's blind spots by adjusting your mirrors properly.
As user Kristen Rush insists that blind spots aren't inevitable in all vehicles. You can effectively eliminate the blind spots on the sides of the vehicle by adjusting your side mirrors so that you barely see the edges of your own car. Meanwhile the rear-view mirror should be able to locate any car behind yours. Get used to adjusting these mirrors before you drive your car.

3. Heat transfers faster through liquid than gas, so keep warm by staying dry.
Wet conditions are prime for getting humans cold, and the same logic works for dryness insulating heat, says engineer Lia Lavoie. To ensure your body temperature doesn't fall too quickly in cold environments, invest in clothes made of wool instead of cotton. The wool can absorb more moisture so that dampness doesn't linger on your skin. And, of course, do your best to stay dry.

4. Don't eat snow for hydration unless you absolutely have to.

Image via sheknows

Lavoie also points out that your body uses a great deal of energy to convert matter from one state to another. That's why he says you should only eat snow as a substitute for water as a last resort. In gaining that small amount of hydration, you'll give up precious body heat.

5. If your plane makes a water landing, resist the urge to inflate your lifejacket immediately.
User Alvin Yip warns against the impulse to inflate your lifejacket immediately if a plane is making an emergency landing on water. The water that could rush into the cabin makes it harder to move if you're more buoyant. So first swim to an exit, then inflate your jacket once you are outside to stay afloat.

6. You can perform the Heimlich maneuver on yourself.
The Heimlich maneuver is the standard method and first aid to get foreign object from the throat when someone is choking. But in time of emergencies you might not have anyone to help you, so at least remember these simple steps of how to do the Heimlich on yourself:

Image via azdailysun

  • Form a fist with your stronger hand below your ribcage and just above the navel. Place your other palm over the fist to push more firmly.
  • Drive your fist in and up in the diaphragm area (the top of your stomach) forcefully and repeat several times until the object that's stuck in your throat gets dislodged.


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