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10 Mei 2024 14:10

Without whitening treatment, this woman shares how to whiten yellow teeth using only 2 types of fruit

You can brighten the appearance of your teeth by using natural ingredients. Anindya Kurnia
Without whitening treatment, this woman shares how to whiten yellow teeth using only 2 types of fruit foto: TikTok/@ginajeannetteofficial

Brilio.net - Teeth that appear yellow, rusty and have bad breath are common things experienced by most people. The discoloration of teeth usually occurs slowly and is sometimes unnoticed. Although basically the color of natural teeth is not pure white, but ivory white.

There are several factors that can cause discoloration of teeth, such as consuming coffee and tea too often. Not only that, an unhealthy lifestyle, such as nicotine in cigarettes, can also speed up teeth turning yellow. Meanwhile, there are other factors such as genetics, aging, use of drugs, and lack of maintaining dental hygiene which also cause teeth to turn yellow.

As quoted from the Healthline page, many factors cause teeth to become dull and lose their white shine. Certain foods can stain tooth enamel, which is the outer layer of teeth. Apart from that, plaque buildup on the teeth can also cause the teeth to appear yellow and rusty.

Plaque itself is food residue that sticks to the surface of the teeth with a sticky, yellowish texture. This plaque can also cause bad breath and the appearance of tartar. Usually this dental plaque appears due to rarely brushing your teeth, so that food residue sticks to the surface of the teeth.

You can overcome this condition of yellowing teeth in various ways. Starting from cleaning your teeth regularly, avoiding foods and drinks that have the potential to change the color of your teeth, to undergoing whitening treatment at the dentist. Whitening treatment is indeed effective for whitening teeth that appear yellow, but this treatment requires a lot of money.

No need to worry, because you can overcome this by using natural ingredients . As shared by a woman via her personal TikTok account @ginajeannetteofficial, who actually uses 2 types of fruit. The fruits in question are kiwi and cucumber. He also added another ingredient, namely baking soda.

photo: TikTok/@ginajeannetteofficial

Kiwi contains to treat yellow teeth.

Kiwi fruit is very good for body health. Apart from that, it is no longer a secret that kiwi is rich in vitamin C which can prevent inflammation in the mouth. Even kiwi is also rich in calcium which is important for maintaining tooth strength. The fiber content in kiwi is believed to be effective in preventing tooth decay and minimizing the risk of plaque and yellow color appearing on the teeth.

The benefits of cucumber for eroding plaque that causes yellow teeth.

Not only kiwi, cucumber can also help improve oral health. Not only that, the benefits of cucumber can also make gums healthy and increase saliva production. Cucumbers are able to remove food particles that stick to the surface of the teeth, as well as bacteria that can cause tooth decay and discoloration of teeth. The content in cucumbers can also help reduce the formation of tartar.

Baking soda is believed to be effective in whitening teeth that appear yellow.

Baking soda is known to have benefits for whitening yellow teeth. Baking soda has natural whitening properties so it is often added to toothpaste products. As reported by The Journal of Clinical Dentistry, toothpaste containing baking soda is more effective at removing yellow stains. This cake material has mild abrasive properties so it can remove plaque on the surface of the teeth.

Relying on these three ingredients, you can make a teeth whitening paste which is claimed to be effective in removing yellowish stains on teeth. Regular use is also effective in making your breath fresher. This is how to make and use it, as briliobeauty.net quoted from the TikTok account @ginajeannetteofficial, Friday (10/5).

photo: TikTok/@ginajeannetteofficial


- 1 cucumber
- 1 kiwi fruit
- 1 tablespoon baking soda

photo: TikTok/@ginajeannetteofficial

How to create and use:

1. Peel kiwi and cucumber
2. Slice both into smaller pieces
3. Put it in a stacker and add baking soda
4. Pound the ingredients until they are really smooth
5. Use the paste to brush your teeth as usual
6. Do it all the way between the teeth
7. Rinse by gargling with water until clean
8. Do this regularly every 2 days to get evenly white teeth.

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