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10 April 2024 06:25

Without instant products, this YouTuber shares how to make a collagen drink using 2 types of fruit

No need to buy instant collagen products, you can make your own from these two types of fruit Brilio.net
foto: YouTube/@ikrimahasnim1860; freepik.com

Brilio.net - Facial skin that looks firm, smooth and free of wrinkles cannot be separated from the role of collagen in the body. Collagen is a type of fibrous protein consisting of amino acids that form a three-dimensional helical structure.

In addition, collagen is also the main component of connective tissue, which includes skin, bones, tendons and cartilage. The steady production of collagen in the body influences the strength, elasticity and regeneration of these tissues.

However, the function of collagen will continue to decline as a person ages. When it decreases, signs of aging begin to appear such as wrinkles, fine lines, and skin that is no longer firm.

The benefits of collagen are so important that the skin remains elastic. To restore the main function of collagen, you need to increase its production again by consuming collagen drinks.

Indeed, consuming collagen drinks has become a trend in the world of beauty. The reason is that consuming collagen every day can increase its production, making the skin younger and radiant. Not only that, collagen drinks can also improve joint and bone health. It can even make your hair grow thick and healthy.

To get a collagen drink you don't need to consume instant products. You can make your own collagen drink from pears and oranges.

Reporting from voi.id, Tuesday (9/4) oranges are a rich source of vitamin C which is important for collagen production in the body. Vitamin C is needed to convert procollagen into mature collagen, thus playing a key role in strengthening skin structure and connective tissue.

Oranges contain antioxidants such as flavonoids and beta-carotene which help fight free radical damage. Free radicals can cause damage to collagen and cause premature aging, therefore the antioxidants in oranges can help maintain skin strength and elasticity.

The high water content in oranges helps maintain skin hydration. So it is claimed to be able to produce collagen.

Meanwhile, pears are a good source of fiber, which is important for digestive health and optimal nutrient absorption. Healthy digestion ensures that the body can absorb important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, including nutrients necessary for collagen production.

Like oranges, pears also contain vitamin C and antioxidants, although in slightly lower amounts. The contribution of vitamin C and antioxidants can help in the formation and protection of collagen in the body.

Pears contain several important minerals such as copper and iron. Copper is an important cofactor in the formation of collagen, while iron helps in the transport of oxygen to the body's cells, including cells involved in collagen production.

Are you interested in making a collagen drink from the two types of fruit above? For those of you who want to try, come on Wednesday (10/4).


photo: YouTube/@ikrimahasnim1860

- 1 orange
- 1 pear.

How to make:

photo: YouTube/@ikrimahasnim1860

1. Peel the skin of oranges and pears
2. Cut both fruits into small pieces
3. Put it in a blender
4. Pour a little water
5. Blend all ingredients
6. Pour into a glass
7. Collagen drinks are ready to be consumed to brighten the skin and prevent signs of aging.

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