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29 Februari 2024 12:10

Without expensive treatment, according to this doctor, the trick for brightening black lips is just using 1 cleaning product

The fluoride and mint content in this ingredient has benefits for brightening the lips. Anindya Kurnia
Without expensive treatment, according to this doctor, the trick for brightening black lips is just using 1 cleaning product foto: freepik.com ; YouTube/Dokter Andi Official

Brilio.net - Not a few people neglect the health and care of their lips, so that their lips become dry, black and peel easily. This condition is caused by many factors, such as lifestyle, exposure to UV rays from the sun, smoking habits, allergies, excessive caffeine consumption, use of unsuitable lip care products, hormonal imbalances, and aging factors.

Lip color can also appear black if you suffer from certain medical disorders such as anemia, dermatitis, lentigo, and others. Not only that, usually fake lip cosmetic products or those containing harsh chemicals will make the lip color darker and appear black.

This condition is quite disturbing to one's appearance and reduces a person's self-confidence. Even though black lips can be covered by using makeup such as lipstick or lip tint, having lips that are naturally pink and feel soft is still the dream of many people. Therefore, quite a few people are looking for ways to lighten their dark lips. Starting from using lipcare products, getting treatments at beauty clinics, to using natural ingredients.

If you are one of them, you don't need to worry because you can copy the tricks shared by a doctor via his personal YouTube account, Dokter Andi Official, on September 20 2021, which contains tricks for brightening black lips by using just 1 cleaning product. The cleaning product in question is toothpaste.

" Fast Way to Redden LIPS NATURALLY, Effective Way to Lighten BLACK LIPS, Dr. Andi Septiawan, " wrote the doctor as a description of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net reported from Doctor Andi Official's YouTube account, Thursday (29/2).

photo: freepik.com

Ingredients and benefits of toothpaste to brighten black lips.

In maintaining dental health, using toothpaste or toothpaste is certainly not something strange. Toothpaste products on the market generally have almost the same ingredients. Such as fluoride, calcium, and mint which can maintain healthy teeth and erode dirt that sticks to teeth. Even so, in fact you can also use toothpaste to brighten black lips, you know.

The abrasive agent in toothpaste is useful for cleaning dirt or stains on teeth. This ingredient also acts like an exfoliator or scrub agent which can remove dead skin cells on the surface of the lips. This is what makes toothpaste quite effective as an ingredient for reddening black lips.

The fluoride and mint content in toothpaste is also known to have benefits for brightening lips because mint leaves are a natural ingredient that can redden lips. Apart from that, toothpaste also contains humectant compounds (water binders) which function as lip moisturizers, just like honey.

"This method is effective enough to restore your rosy lips, just do it 2-3 times a week," said the doctor.

"It is recommended to use toothpaste (toothpaste) not in gel form but in white. Don't apply it to your lips for too long because it will cause irritation and stinging because the menthol content is quite high. Moreover, the skin on your lips is also thin so it is easily irritated," he continued.

So, after knowing the benefits of toothpaste to brighten black lips, now is the time for you to pay attention to how to use it below.

photo: YouTube/Doctor Andi Official


- Toothpaste
- Warm water
- Cold water

How to use:

1. Wash the lip area until it is clean of dirt and remaining makeup using warm water
2. Take enough toothpaste then apply it evenly to the surface of your lips
3. Leave it for 10-15 minutes (can be less than this time if you already feel stinging in your lip area)
4. Rub your lips gently to remove dead skin cells that cause black lips
5. Rinse using warm water and continue with cold water
6. Continue using lip balm or petroleum jelly
7. Do this method regularly 2-3 times a week to get optimal results.

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