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9 Maret 2025 02:00

Without egg white, here's how to shrink large pores for a smooth, textureless face

Large pores can lead to a variety of other skin problems, including acne. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Without egg white, here's how to shrink large pores for a smooth, textureless face foto: YouTube/Komunitas Skincare Viral

Brilio.net - Having large pores is often a problem for many people because it can make the skin look rough and more susceptible to dirt and excess oil. One of the natural ingredients that is often relied on to overcome this problem is egg white. The protein and enzyme content in it is believed to help tighten the skin while shrinking the appearance of pores naturally.

Egg whites work by lifting dirt that clogs pores and controlling excess oil production. In addition, egg whites also have natural astringent properties that help shrink pores and make skin feel smoother and tighter. It's no wonder that many people use it as a face mask that is easy to make at home.

But do you know? Actually there are other natural ingredients that can also be relied on to shrink pores, such as honey and lime. Just like egg whites, these two kitchen ingredients also have special content to help shrink pores.

Ingredients in honey and lime.

how to shrink pores without egg whites

Limes are rich in vitamin C and citric acid, which act as natural astringents to help tighten pores and reduce excess sebum production. Additionally, the exfoliating properties of citric acid help remove dirt and dead skin cells that can clog pores, leaving skin looking smoother and clearer.

Meanwhile, honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the skin and prevent irritation from limes which tend to be acidic. Honey also functions as a natural humectant that maintains skin moisture, so that the skin does not become dry after using lime. With its high antioxidant content, honey also helps protect the skin from damage caused by exposure to free radicals, which can accelerate aging and worsen pore conditions.

When honey and lime juice are combined, they work synergistically to cleanse, tighten, and nourish the skin. Using this mixture as a face mask regularly can help shrink pores naturally, making the skin smoother, fresher, and more radiant. However, for those with sensitive skin, it is better to do a test first because lime can cause a slight stinging sensation.

how to shrink pores without egg whites
YouTube/Viral Skincare Community

If you are interested in using it, you can try the tutorial shared by YouTube user Komunitas Skincare Viral in shrinking pores. Here is the review that briliobeauty.net has collected from the account on Saturday (8/3).


how to shrink pores without egg whites
YouTube/Viral Skincare Community

- Honey
- Lime juice

How to use honey and lime to shrink pores

how to shrink pores without egg whites
YouTube/Viral Skincare Community

1. In a container, pour 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of lime juice.
2. Once done, stir the two ingredients until evenly mixed.
3. Next, apply it to the container evenly using a mask brush.
4. After that, let it sit for 30 minutes. Then rinse your face until clean.

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