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26 Maret 2024 14:10

Without collagen injections, this is how to overcome sagging skin using aloe vera mixed with 1 type of fruit

Not everyone can undergo collagen injection treatment considering the relatively expensive price Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com; TikTok/@uss.healthy

Brilio.net - As a person gets older, their skin will also age. One of the signs of aging skin is that it begins to sag and lose its firmness. Sagging skin is usually accompanied by various other signs of aging, such as the appearance of wrinkles, wrinkles and various fine lines on the facial area. All these signs of aging will be very visible if you are 50 years old.

The reason is that at the age of half a century or more, the production of collagen and elastin in skin tissue will decrease. So the skin loses its firmness and elasticity.

Apart from that, skin regeneration will also slow down, making the skin easily damaged and difficult to repair. This is what causes the skin to age easily, not infrequently the skin can also age more quickly.

Not only due to age, sagging skin is also caused by several other factors. Such as excessive sun exposure, pollution, weather changes, unhealthy lifestyles, dry or dehydrated skin, and other free radicals. If you are one of the people who experience this problem, there is no need to worry, because you can tighten sagging skin in various ways.

Such as undergoing treatment at a beauty clinic, using antiaging skincare products, and using natural ingredients. One of the treatments at beauty clinics that most people often do is collagen injections. This treatment is carried out in an effort to add collagen as a booster to keep the skin firm and speed up skin regeneration .

But unfortunately, not everyone can do this treatment considering the relatively expensive price. Another solution, you can use natural ingredients to treat sagging skin.

As shared by a TikTok user with the account name @uss.healthy on November 5 2023, which contains how to treat sagging skin using aloe vera mixed with 1 type of fruit. The fruit in question is cucumber.

" NATURAL RECIPE FOR ELIMINATING AND PREVENTING WRINKLES (NATURAL RECIPE FOR ELIMINATING AND PREVENTING WRINKLES) ," wrote the account owner in the description of the uploaded video, which briliobeauty.net quoted from the TikTok account @uss.healthy, Tuesday (26/3).

photo: TikTok/@uss.healthy

The benefits of aloe vera gel for tightening sagging facial skin.

Aloe vera gel is a plant that is known to make skin look firmer, moisturized, brighter and more youthful. Quoted from Style Craze, aloe vera gel contains fibroblast cells which can penetrate into the skin. This content is believed to be able to tighten a sagging face.

Not only that, this substance is also believed to improve the skin, including reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Aloe vera gel is also effective in keeping skin supple and hydrated.

Cucumber contains to delay skin aging on the face.

As a fruit with a high water content, you can actually use cucumber to treat wrinkles and tighten a sagging face, you know. The antioxidant content in cucumbers can prevent skin aging.

Not only that, the vitamin C and folic acid in it are also believed to be able to stimulate the growth of new skin cells and speed up skin regeneration. This is what can make skin firmer and healthier.

You can use these two natural ingredients as an effective face mask to tighten a sagging face and make it look youthful. Even with regular use, you will get a supple, bright and hydrated face. Here's how to make and use it.

photo: TikTok/@uss.healthy


- 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
- 1 cucumber

How to create and use:

1. Wash the cucumber until clean
2. Grate the cucumber until it is really fine
3. Add aloe vera gel (you can use aloe vera gel sold in the market or make it yourself by grinding real aloe vera flesh)
4. Stir both until evenly mixed
5. Wash your face first and make sure your face is clean of dirt and makeup residue

photo: TikTok/@uss.healthy

6. Apply the mask to your face thoroughly
7. Massage your face gently and leave for 30 minutes
8. Rinse using water until clean
9. Continue using moisturizer
10. Do this method regularly 3 times a week to get a face that is firm and free of signs of aging.

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