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9 Juli 2024 13:43

This sour fruit can whiten yellow teeth and overcome bad breath, here's how to use it

The acid or vitamin C content in this sour fruit is able to erode the bacteria that cause yellow teeth. Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Yellow teeth and bad breath are conditions that interfere with a person's self-confidence. Quoting from the Healthline page, many factors cause teeth to become dull and lose their white shine. One of them is consuming certain foods that can stain tooth enamel or the outer layer of teeth.

Apart from that, plaque buildup can also cause teeth to appear yellow. Even some bad habits, such as smoking and drinking coffee, make it difficult to keep your teeth white. Apart from teeth that appear yellow, sometimes bad breath also occurs because of this habit, you know.

Generally, bad breath occurs due to food residue, bacteria and dirt in the mouth . Leftover food in the mouth will become a place for bacteria to grow, causing an unpleasant odor. These two problems can make sufferers less confident.

Because it disturbs their appearance, many people are looking for ways to whiten their teeth and overcome the unpleasant odor in their mouth. One way that can be done is by using fruit, as shared by a TikTok user with the account name @healthytips84. In his upload, he uses lemon to whiten teeth and prevent bad breath.

photo: TikTok/@healthytips84

Apart from lemon, the account owner also added other ingredients, namely banana peel, salt and toothpaste. Come on, see how to make and use it, as reported by briliobeauty.net from the TikTok account @healthytips84, Tuesday (9/7).


- Banana peel to taste
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon of toothpaste

How to create and use:

photo: TikTok/@healthytips84

1. Wash the banana skin until clean
2. Scrape the inside of the banana peel using a spoon
3. Pour into a container, then add lemon juice, salt and toothpaste
4. Stir the four ingredients until evenly mixed
5. Use the mixture to brush your teeth for 2 minutes
6. Rub between the teeth
7. Rinse by gargling with clean water
8. Do this regularly twice a day to get whiter teeth and fresher breath.

Banana peels can whiten teeth and overcome bad breath

photo: TikTok/@healthytips84

Reporting from the Burlington Dental Center page, banana peels contain potassium and magnesium which are effective for whitening teeth. These two ingredients can also help the enamel remineralization process.

Although this material does not specifically whiten teeth, stronger enamel can give your teeth a healthier, shinier appearance. Even the potassium content in banana peels is also effective in maintaining healthy teeth and gums, so that bad breath can be quickly resolved.

Lemon contains to treat yellow teeth and bad breath

Lemon is effective in fading yellowish stains on teeth, thanks to its acid or vitamin C content which can erode the bacteria that cause yellow teeth. Apart from that, the pH of citrus fruit is also able to maintain oral and dental health, so it can prevent plaque formation on teeth and overcome unpleasant breath odor.

The benefits of salt for keeping teeth white and breath smelling.

The mineral, calcium, phosphorus and fluorine content in salt is useful for maintaining healthy teeth and mouth. Salt is also considered a natural antiseptic that can eradicate bacteria, by increasing the pH balance in the mouth. This kitchen ingredient can also help release food particles and dirt from between the teeth, which can cause yellow teeth and bad breath.

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