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29 Juni 2024 19:00

This fruit can fade black spots on the face, here's how to make and use it

Sun exposure is the most common cause of black spots on the face. Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Black spots are characterized by the appearance of black-brown spots on the surface of the skin, especially on the facial area. This condition is also often called hyperpigmentation. Not without reason, this skin problem is caused by various factors such as aging, too frequent exposure to sunlight, hormonal changes, an unhealthy lifestyle, pollution, the effects of aging, and lack of facial care.

However, among these factors, sun exposure is the most common cause of black spots on the face. Especially without sunscreen protection. The reason is, the sun's UV rays will trigger melanocyte cells as the skin's natural pigment to produce excess melanin. This is the skin's natural attempt to protect itself from the bad effects of the sun's UV rays.

Apart from making your face less smooth, black spots can also make your facial skin have an uneven color. It's not surprising that many people are not confident about this condition. If you are one of them, there is no need to worry, because you can overcome this by using natural ingredients.

photo: TikTok/@rabiabeautytips

As shared by one TikTok user with the account name @rabiabeautytips, who uses 1 type of fruit to fade black spots on the face. The fruit in question is cucumber. Not only that, he also added another ingredient, namely rose water. Come on, see how to make and use it, which was reported by briliobeauty.net from the TikTok account @rabiabeautytips, Saturday (29/6).


- 1/2 fresh cucumber
- Sufficient rose water

photo: TikTok/@rabiabeautytips

How to make and use:

1. Wash the cucumber until clean
2. Grate the cucumber until it is really fine
3. Squeeze and just take the water
4. Pour it into a container then add rose water
5. Stir both until evenly mixed
6. Transfer it to a spray bottle to make it easier to use
7. Spray on a thoroughly clean face
8. Use it regularly every day in the morning and evening to get a smooth face free of black spots.

photo: TikTok/@rabiabeautytips

Cucumber contains to remove black spots on the face.

Cucumber is a fruit that has a fresh taste because of its high water content. As a fruit that is often used to moisturize the skin, cucumber is also effective in removing black spots. The high vitamin C content in it is also believed to be effective in brightening the skin and making black spots fade over time. Apart from that, cucumber can also soothe the skin by reducing inflammation and redness due to irritation and acne.

The benefits of rose water to make your face smooth and free of black spots.

There are many benefits of rose water for the face, including treating dull skin, making the face automatically moisturized, and fading black spots. This is thanks to the content of vitamins A and E which can moisturize and nourish the skin. This content is also effective in exfoliating the skin naturally. The antioxidant content in rose water can also strengthen the cells on the face and regenerate the skin so it looks brighter and smoother.

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