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25 Juni 2024 15:10

This cooking ingredient can make yellow teeth turn white automatically, here's how to make and use it

Get to know the causes of yellow teeth that you may not be aware of, then apply ways to clean yellow teeth so that your smile becomes bright again. Anindya Kurnia
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Yellow teeth are usually experienced by someone who rarely brushes their teeth. Not only that, someone who likes drinking coffee , eating sweet foods, not cleaning their teeth properly, and even smoking can also cause their teeth to look yellower.

These various factors are usually also prone to making your mouth smell bad. The reason is, someone who rarely brushes their teeth will cause food residue to accumulate and turn into plaque and tartar. The effect is that the teeth become sore easily, causing gingivitis and dental caries.

If you are one of the people who experiences this condition, there is no need to worry. Because you can overcome this by using the ingredients you have in your house. Apart from being more economical, homemade ingredients are also effective for whitening yellow teeth, you know.

photo: TikTok/@hani.inspirasi.sehat.ind

As shared by one TikTok user with the account name @hani.inspirasi.sehat.ind, who uses cooking ingredients to whiten yellow teeth. The cooking ingredient in question is salt. He also added other ingredients, namely lime and toothpaste of course. Come on, see how to make and use it below, which briliobeauty.net reported from the TikTok account @hani.inspirasi.sehat.ind, Tuesday (25/6).


- 1 tablespoon lime juice
- A tablespoon of salt
- 1/2 tablespoon toothpaste

photo: TikTok/@hani.inspirasi.sehat.ind

How to create and use:

1. Pour the ingredients into the container
2. Stir the three ingredients until evenly mixed and the texture is like paste
3. Use it to brush your teeth as usual for 2-3 minutes
4. Do it all the way between the teeth
5. Rinse by gargling with water until clean
6. Repeat this method regularly 1-2 times a week to get naturally white teeth.

photo: TikTok/@hani.inspirasi.sehat.ind

Lime content to whiten yellow teeth.

Lime has a sour taste which is believed to be able to whiten yellow teeth. The acid or vitamin C content in this fruit can erode the bacteria that cause yellow teeth. Its acidic pH content is also effective in maintaining oral and dental health, you know. Not only that, lime can also freshen breath and prevent unpleasant breath odor.

The benefits of salt for erasing yellowish stains on teeth.

Salt can increase the pH balance in the mouth so that it remains alkaline, making it effective in preventing the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Salt is also effective at erasing yellowish stains on the surface of the teeth, which can cause plaque and the appearance of yellow teeth. This is thanks to its rough and abrasive texture.

So, to prevent your teeth from turning yellow, you need to brush your teeth regularly every morning and evening before going to bed. Apart from that, you can also undergo dental care at the dentist, such as scaling and whitening treatments.

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