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18 Juli 2024 17:10

This combination of Alpha Arbutin lotion & whitening body serum is effective for treating dull skin, here's how to mix it

Auto bright skin evenly~ Anindya Kurnia
This combination of Alpha Arbutin lotion & whitening body serum is effective for treating dull skin, here's how to mix it foto: TikTok/@atuuolio

Brilio.net - As is known, body skin can look dull if it is not cared for properly. This condition is characterized by the skin color appearing gray, the skin feeling dry, scaly and also rough when touched. Dull skin is caused by several factors, such as the buildup of dead skin cells, pollution, sun exposure, diet, and poor lifestyle habits.

Dull skin conditions will be worsened by excessive sun exposure. Not without reason, exposure to sunlight will trigger the formation of melanin, as an effort to naturally protect the skin from the bad effects of sunlight. Well, this excess melanin will cause the skin to look dull, the skin color is uneven, and the color is darker than the skin should be.

This condition is quite disturbing to their appearance, so many people are looking for ways to whiten their skin . One of them is by using various skincare products that contain whitening ingredients in them. So, if you are one of the people who is trying to whiten your skin, you can copy the trick shared by a TikTok user with the account name @atuuolio.

photo: TikTok/@atuuolio

Through his uploaded video, he shared a whitening lotion concoction combining Alpha Arbutin lotion and whitening body serum from the Skin Youth White Dose Body Serum brand. Here's how to mix it, as reported by briliobeauty.net from the TikTok account @atuuolio, Thursday (18/7).


- Alpha Arbutin body lotion to taste (can be replaced with another brand of body lotion)
- Skin Youth White Dose Body Serum (1:1 dose with body lotion)

How to mix and use:

photo: TikTok/@atuuolio

1. Pour body lotion into a clean container
2. Add body serum then stir both until evenly mixed
3. Apply to clean skin of hands or feet
4. Rub until evenly distributed and let it absorb into the skin
5. Use this concoction regularly every day in the morning and evening before bed to get bright, even skin that is anti-dull.

Claims and contents of Alpha Arbutin body lotion

photo: TikTok/@atuuolio

Precious Skin Alpha Arbutin Collagen Lotion is a whitening body lotion formulated with a 3x formula of Alpha Arbutin, collagen, green apple, Glutathione, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E, which is effective for moisturizing the skin while brightening dull skin.

With regular use, the skin will gradually appear clean, smooth, bright, moist and free of irritation. The soft texture will make this lotion easily absorbed into the skin without giving a sticky impression.

Claims and ingredients of Skin Youth White Dose Body Serum to brighten dull skin

Skin Youth White Dose Body Serum by houseeofbeauty is a body brightening serum that contains 10 active ingredients including chromabright, niacinamide, paeonia albiflora, glutathione, alpha arbutin, centella asiatica, collagen, lactobacillus or probiotics which have various benefits for the skin.

The main benefit of this body serum is to help form collagen in the skin, help increase moisture in the skin, and help even out skin tone if used regularly.

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