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30 Agustus 2024 13:40

The combination of red onion and 1 type of leaf can reduce hair loss, here's how to mix it

Stress and anxiety are other factors that can affect hair health. Anindya Kurnia
The combination of red onion and 1 type of leaf can reduce hair loss, here's how to mix it foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Hair loss is a problem that is often faced by many people, both men and women, and can affect self-confidence. Although some hair loss is normal, excessive hair loss can be a concern and requires special attention.

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics , hormones, medical conditions, stress, and lifestyle. One of the main causes of hair loss is genetics. This condition is known as androgenetic alopecia, which is a type of male or female pattern baldness that is usually inherited from families.

In men, hair loss often begins at the temples or crown of the head, while in women, hair loss tends to be evenly distributed throughout the head. Stress and anxiety are other factors that can affect hair health. In addition, nutritional deficiencies such as iron, vitamin D, and protein can also cause hair to become brittle and fall out easily.

photo: TikTok/@aayurvedam

Well, so that it doesn't result in baldness, you can reduce hair loss by utilizing natural ingredients. As shared by a TikTok user with the account name @aayurvedam, who uses a combination of shallots and 1 type of leaf. The leaf mentioned is curry leaf. Here's how to mix and use it, which briliobeauty.net reported on Friday (8/30).


- A handful of fresh curry leaves
- 1/2 large red onion
- Enough water

photo: TikTok/@aayurvedam

How to mix and use:

1. Peel the shallots from their skin.
2. Cut into smaller pieces
3. Put it in a blender and add the curry leaves and water
4. Blend the ingredients until they are completely smooth like a paste.
5. Apply evenly to all parts of the hair.
6. Let stand for 20 minutes
7. Rinse with water and continue with shampoo and conditioner.
8. Do this routinely 2-3 times a week to get stronger, hair-free hair.

photo: TikTok/@aayurvedam

Onion content to overcome hair loss.

Onions are high in sulfur, an essential mineral that helps strengthen and stimulate hair follicles. Sulfur is a major component of keratin, the protein that makes up most of hair, and can improve blood circulation in the scalp, supporting healthier hair growth.

In addition to sulfur, onions are also rich in antioxidants, such as quercetin, which has anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce inflammation on the scalp. This helps prevent cell damage and improve scalp conditions that may be causing hair loss.

Benefits of curry leaves to reduce hair loss.

Curry leaves are rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. These nutrients play a role in strengthening the hair and scalp. Vitamin B, in particular, works to repair cell damage and stimulate hair growth by increasing blood circulation in the scalp.

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