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10 April 2024 14:10

Results are visible in 3 days, this is how to remove wrinkles on your face so that it becomes smooth again using 1 type of fruit

Wrinkled skin is triggered by collagen and elastin in the skin starting to decline. Devi Aristyaputri
foto: YouTube/@recommendedpreshtv

Brilio.net - Wrinkled skin is a natural process that occurs when you reach the age of 30 and over. Although wrinkles are a normal part of the aging process, some people are bothered by these changes. It's not surprising that they undergo treatment to remove wrinkles on the face.

Wrinkled skin is triggered by collagen and elastin in the skin starting to decline. A lack of these proteins causes the skin to lose its density and elasticity, leading to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Additionally, healthy skin cells have the ability to regenerate and renew themselves regularly. However, as we age, the ability to regenerate skin cells decreases. This condition causes a buildup of dead cells on the surface of the skin, which can make the skin look dull and wrinkled.

Wrinkles are not only caused by increasing age, but can also be caused by external factors, such as excessive sun exposure. Exposure to UV rays can damage collagen and elastin fibers in the skin, causing a decrease in skin elasticity and increasing the risk of wrinkles.

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, you can start using sunscreen. Using these products can protect the skin when exposed to sunlight. However, if wrinkles have started to appear, you can get rid of them with regular treatment. You can use skincare products or treatments at beauty clinics. However, both treatments require quite a bit of money to drain your wallet.

As a solution, you can remove wrinkles using natural ingredients. As YouTube user @recommendedpreshtv did, he used tomatoes, granulated sugar, powdered milk and bananas.

Tomatoes contain lycopene and antioxidant compounds that can help protect the skin from UV damage and reduce inflammation. The presence of vitamin C in tomatoes can stimulate collagen production, increase skin elasticity, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Even the vitamin C content can help tighten skin pores and provide a brightening effect.

Meanwhile, granulated sugar functions as a natural exfoliator which helps remove dead skin cells and stimulates the regeneration of new skin cells. Applying granulated sugar to the face helps increase blood circulation to the surface of the skin. So it can improve skin moisture and texture, and give the skin a smoother and brighter appearance.

Powdered milk contains lactic acid, which is a natural type of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA). AHA can help shed dead skin cells and stimulate the regeneration of new skin cells, making skin look fresher and younger. Powdered milk contains protein, calcium and vitamin D, which can help strengthen skin structure and increase its elasticity. Helps moisturize the skin naturally and provides a brightening effect.

Meanwhile, bananas contain vitamins A, C, and E, as well as minerals such as potassium and magnesium, all of which are important for healthy skin. The vitamin C content in bananas can help increase collagen production and repair skin damage caused by exposure to UV rays. The antioxidant content in bananas helps protect the skin from free radicals and relieves inflammation, thereby reducing the risk of wrinkles.

Those are the benefits of a number of ingredients that you can get. So how do you make this mask? For those of you who are curious, let's look at the tutorial below as briliobeauty.net compiled from the YouTube channel @recommendedpreshtv, as follows:


how to get rid of wrinkles on the face

- 1 tomato
- 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
- 2 tablespoons powdered milk
- 1/2 banana.

How to make:

how to get rid of wrinkles on the face

1. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly
2. Puree using a grater
3. Mix with granulated sugar and powdered milk
4. Add the mashed banana peel
5. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
6. The mask is ready for you to use.

How to use:

how to get rid of wrinkles on the face

1. Apply to the face that you have cleaned
2. Wait approximately 15 to 20 minutes
3. Clean the mask using plain water
4. Dry using a clean towel or tissue
5. Repeat the use of the mask regularly so that the results are visible within three days.

Bright face using bananas.

Apart from treating wrinkles, bananas also have other benefits for your skin, namely brightening it. Reporting from wionews.com, Saturday (30/3) bananas contain vitamin C, which can protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and exposure to UV rays. Vitamin C is also able to stimulate collagen production, making skin firm and bright.

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