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15 April 2024 13:25

Not just lemon, this man shares how to treat yellow-looking teeth using one additional kitchen ingredient

Smoking, excessive consumption of coffee and tea, and the habit of brushing your teeth, are factors that cause yellow teeth. Anindya Kurnia
foto: TikTok/@natsuki56612

Brilio.net - Actually, teeth have a natural color of ivory white. But sometimes, teeth can change color to appear yellower than their original color. This condition is enough to reduce self-confidence. The discoloration of teeth generally occurs slowly and is often not noticed.

The reason is that as we age, the outer enamel of our teeth begins to thin, so that the second layer becomes more visible. This is what makes teeth appear yellower.

Not only age, changes in tooth color to appear yellower can also be caused by several other factors, such as smoking, excessive consumption of coffee and tea, improper brushing habits and poor oral hygiene.

Well, teeth that appear yellow if not treated immediately will gradually become a crust that is difficult to remove. It will even cause stubborn tartar and can trigger other dental problems. Such as gum inflammation, toothache, and cavities.

This condition can of course affect appearance and make a person uncomfortable when smiling. Not to mention accompanied by unpleasant breath odor. Because of this, many people are looking for ways to remove yellow stains from their teeth.

There are many ways you can treat yellow teeth . Such as undergoing treatment at a dental clinic, using teeth whitening strips, bleaching, and using natural ingredients.

Natural ingredients are widely used to treat various dental and oral problems because they are safer and have affordable prices. Even so, if done regularly, the results are no less effective than having expensive treatment at a dental clinic, you know.

One of them was shared by a man via his personal TikTok account @natsuki56612 on February 29 2024, which contained information about how to treat teeth that look yellow using lemon and the addition of 1 kitchen ingredient, namely baking soda. Not only that, the man also added toothpaste, you know.

Men treat yellow-looking teeth using 2 ingredients

Lemon content to whiten teeth that appear yellow.

Lemon is a type of citrus fruit that has a fresh sour taste. Apart from consuming it, lemon can also help fade yellowish stains on your teeth. The acid or vitamin C content in lemons can erode the bacteria that cause yellow teeth. And the pH which tends to be acidic in citrus fruit is also able to maintain oral and dental health.

Even if used regularly, lemon will make your mouth fresher, free of bad breath, and naturally white. Thanks to this content, lemon can also inhibit or prevent the growth of bacteria that cause yellow teeth and bad breath.

Benefits of baking soda to treat yellow stains on teeth.

Baking soda is a kitchen ingredient used as a cake leavening agent. Even so, many people also use this ingredient to treat teeth and mouth problems, you know. One of them is dealing with yellow teeth. Quoting Medical News Today, baking soda and hydrogen can remove plaque buildup and bacteria that cause yellow teeth.

Not without reason, baking soda has natural whitening properties so it is often added to toothpaste products. Research in The Journal of Clinical Dentistry found that toothpaste containing baking soda was more effective at removing yellow stains.

In fact, this baking agent also has mild abrasive properties so it can remove stubborn stains and crusts between the teeth and surfaces. Baking soda can also create an alkaline environment to balance the pH of the mouth which keeps it healthy and prevents dental and oral problems.

After knowing the benefits of each ingredient that will be used, now is the time for you to see how to make yellow teeth whitening paste which is believed to be able to remove yellow stains from teeth. Even if used regularly, you will get teeth that look whiter and free of bad breath and tartar. This is how to make it.

Men treat yellow-looking teeth using 2 ingredients


- 1 tablespoon baking soda
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon of toothpaste

How to create and use:

1. Pour the ingredients mentioned into the container
2. Stir the three ingredients until evenly mixed and the texture is like paste
3. Use your homemade whitening paste to brush your teeth thoroughly between the teeth for 1 minute
4. Rinse by gargling with water until clean
5. Do this method regularly every day for one week to get naturally white teeth free of yellowish stains.

Men treat yellow-looking teeth using 2 ingredients

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