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15 Februari 2024 04:00

No need to buy a foot scrub, here's a trick to make rough blackened feet soft and bright using 1 type of fruit

The skin of the feet only has a little natural moisture due to the lack of oil glands in the area, so the skin of the feet feels dry and rough. Ardho Aflyandri
foto: Instagram/@beglamrs

Brilio.net - Having glowing and healthy skin is the desire of many people. However, as the outermost organ that protects the body from various dangerous external factors, the skin is also susceptible to many problems. One area of the body that is prone to problems is the feet, where the skin feels rough and black.

No different from the face, the feet are also one part of the body that is always involved in carrying out daily activities. This part is also inseparable from excess sunlight. Sun exposure can trigger increased production of melanin (color pigment) in the skin. Over time, this will contribute to the loss of the natural brightness of the skin of the feet, making it look dull and black.

The feet are also susceptible to various pollution such as dust particles. This collection of dirty particles, if not cleaned properly, can damage the structure of skin cells and make the skin on your feet feel rough. Moreover, the skin of the feet also has little natural moisture due to the lack of oil glands in the area, so it is not surprising that the skin of the feet feels dry and rough .

One method commonly used to deal with the above problem is to buy a special foot scrub (foot scrub). Similar to a body scrub, this product involves a type of physical exfoliator such as small granules which aim to soften the skin area of the feet. Foot scrubs are also commonly used to remove dirt from the foot area, so that the feet feel soft and bright.

However, you don't need to buy that foot scrub product either. The thing is, you can rely on just a few natural ingredients as the basic ingredients for concocting an exfoliating mask for the skin of your feet. One way is to use pumpkin fruit with turmeric and gram flour, as shown by the Instagram account @beglamrs, reported by briliobeauty.net on Wednesday (14/2).

Why can pumpkin be useful in treating black and rough skin on the feet?

foot scrub for feet

Reporting from the page of The New Jersey Vein and Vascular Center, pumpkin is a fruit that is rich in beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, potassium and zinc. This combination of ingredients is known to help maintain moisture, brighten the skin, and stimulate the regeneration of new skin cells in the foot area. Apart from that, the enzyme and AHA content in it also helps remove dirt that causes rough skin, so that your feet will feel soft and bright.

Are turmeric and gram flour also effective in treating it?

foot scrub for feet

Yes, turmeric is known as a kitchen spice with a high content of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances, such as curcumin. The curcumin compound has the ability to help reduce excessive melanin production, so it can help brighten the skin. Apart from that, turmeric also has antibacterial properties which can also actively fight pollution and dirt that sticks to the skin.

foot scrub for feet

Meanwhile, gram flour contains many important nutrients including vitamin C, zinc and protein. Through these components, gram flour has the property of brightening the skin from the effects of gradual hyperpigmentation of the outer layer of the skin. The mild exfoliating properties of gram flour help remove dark layers of skin, leaving skin brighter and fresher.

You can use the four ingredients above in the following way.

Tools and materials:

1. 1 fresh pumpkin
2. 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
3. 1 tablespoon gram flour
4. Small container
5. Blender

Working steps:

foot scrub for feet

1. Cut 1 fresh pumpkin, then puree 1/4 of it in a blender
2. Put the mashed pumpkin flesh in a small container
3. Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric and 1 tablespoon of gram flour after that
4. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
5. Apply this mixture evenly to the problem area of your feet
6. Massage gently with circular movements for a few minutes, then leave it for 10-15 minutes afterward
7. If it is sufficient, rinse with water until it is clean of any remaining residue
8. Use regularly to get maximum results.

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