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4 Mei 2024 23:59

Instead of using an antiaging serum, this is how to fade facial wrinkles with just 1 natural ingredient

Regular use will also make your face brighter, supple and free of sagging. Anindya Kurnia
Instead of using an antiaging serum, this is how to fade facial wrinkles with just 1 natural ingredient foto: TikTok/@elvistineo

Brilio.net - When you reach the age of 50 years and over , your face will usually be filled with various signs of aging such as wrinkles, furrows, fine lines, and skin that begins to sag. Even his face no longer looked elastic. This happens because the skin no longer produces collagen, which is an important component in skin regeneration.

Not only that, the strength of elastin in skin tissue will also decrease. Skin regeneration even slows down, so the skin will have difficulty repairing itself. The face is the part of the body that ages fastest. This condition occurs when the production of natural oils in the skin decreases, so it becomes dry and appears shriveled.

In fact, the fat in the inner layers of the skin is also reduced, which makes the skin appear saggy and wrinkles appear on the facial area. Wrinkles and sagging skin are also exacerbated by several external factors. Such as excessive UV rays, unprotected exposure to sunlight, cigarette smoke, side effects of certain medications, stress, drastic weight loss, lack of vitamin E, dry skin, weather changes, and genetic factors.

Even though it is a common thing when someone gets older, wrinkles on the facial area are enough to make most people less self-confident. It's not wrong that many people are looking for ways to tighten their skin to make it look younger. This includes undergoing treatment at a beauty clinic, using antiaging serum, and using natural ingredients.

You don't need to dig deep into your pockets to go to a beauty clinic or buy antiaging serum, because there are natural ingredients that are more economical and no less effective, you know. As shared by TikTok user @elvistineo, who uses one natural ingredient, namely egg white.

photo: TikTok/@elvistineo

" Egg whites contain collagen and protein. The collagen helps fill in under-eye wrinkles, while the protein improves your skin's elasticity. Egg whites also tighten skin and shrink pores, leaving your skin more radiant (Egg whites contain collagen and protein. Collagen helps "fills wrinkles under the eyes, while protein increases the elasticity of your skin. Egg white also tightens the skin and shrinks pores, making the skin more radiant, " wrote the account owner in the caption of his uploaded video, reported by briliobeauty.net from the TikTok account @elvistineo, Saturday. (4/5).

The content and benefits of egg whites to fade facial wrinkles

photo: TikTok/@elvistineo

Egg whites are a source of animal protein which has a multitude of benefits for the skin. Apart from protein, egg whites also contain albumin which is claimed to help tighten loose skin. The vitamin A content in it is also effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles, wrinkles and preventing skin damage.

Not only that, other benefits of egg whites can also fight various signs of aging, from removing dead skin cells that cause black spots to reducing fine lines. With just egg whites, you can make an effective antiaging face mask to fade wrinkles on your face. Regular use will also make your face brighter, supple and free of sagging. Here's how to use it.


- 1 egg white

How to use:

photo: TikTok/@elvistineo

1. Crack the egg and take only the white part
2. Beat the egg whites until foamy
3. Wash your face first until it is clean of dirt and makeup residue
4. Apply egg white to the face thoroughly
5. Leave it until dry then rinse with water until clean
6. Continue using moisturizer
7. Do this regularly 2-3 times a week to get a youthful face free of wrinkles.

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