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26 Maret 2024 11:25

Write down 10 examples of conflicts at school that must be resolved along with solutions

If it is not resolved immediately, conflicts at school can last a long time. Brilio.net
Write down 10 examples of conflicts at school that must be resolved along with solutions foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Conflict in schools is a common problem and can disrupt the teaching and learning process. This conflict can occur between students and students, students and teachers, teachers and teachers, and even parents and teachers. Conflict at school can take the form of a variety of situations involving tension or disagreement between individuals or groups within the school environment. Disputes between students can arise due to differences of opinion, interests, or competition in academic achievement, sports, or other matters

Each of these conflicts certainly requires a solution so that it does not drag on. Especially if the conflict occurs in an educational environment such as school. A resolution that involves all parties is needed so that the conflict is resolved quickly. The hope is that you can end all conflicts at school well.

So what conflicts at school might occur? Brilio.net has summarized 10 examples of conflicts in schools that must be resolved along with solutions, Tuesday (25/3).

10 Examples of conflicts in schools that must be resolved along with solutions.

photo: freepik.com

1. Bullying or bullying

An example of conflict at school that must be handled immediately is bullying or harassment. It is very common to find actions between students that result in bullying. At first it may have been just a joke, but because it was too much, the joke eventually ended in a fight. Examples include teasing, threats, physical violence and exclusion of other students. If this continues, the impact on the victim will be even more serious.

The solutions to the proliferation of bullying in schools are:

- Implementing anti-bullying programs in schools, schools can hold gatherings to discuss bullying prevention programs.

- Guidance and education for the students involved. Students who are caught misbehaving must be dealt with firmly, so that in the future there is no repeat incident.

- Psychological assistance for victims of bullying. Victims of bullying must receive physical and mental health protection and assistance so they can recover quickly.

- Open communication between parents, teachers and students. In order for bullying to be suppressed, open communication is needed between various parties.

2. Disputes between students

An example of a conflict in a school that must be immediately handled and a solution found is a conflict caused by a dispute between students. Conflicts between students are usually caused by disputes between the two of them which are allowed to continue. As a result, many students carry out violent acts such as fights, quarrels and debates which trigger hostility. Teachers and local friends must work together to thoroughly investigate disputes between students so that this does not happen again.

The solutions to disputes between students are:

- Mediation and open dialogue between disputing parties. The most important step is to open a space for mediation and communication between the two accompanied by the teacher.

- Implementation of fair and educational consequences. Students who are caught misbehaving will receive fair and appropriate punishment.

- Instilling the values of tolerance and cooperation. This value must be cultivated from an early age so that they have awareness from a young age.

3. Teacher and student conflict

An example of conflict in a school that must be resolved immediately because it has a negative impact is the conflict between teachers and students. This conflict can occur due to several factors, for example misunderstandings, miscommunication, and differences of opinion both in the classroom and outside the classroom. If this continues, it is feared that the impact will spread to various students and teachers in a school.

The solutions to teacher and student conflicts are:

- Open communication and mutual respect. Communication is the main weapon in overcoming conflict between the two.

- Discussion forum and joint problem solving. Schools must provide discussion and mediation sessions to find solutions.

- Implementation of positive and educational discipline. Teachers and students concerned must receive applicable sanctions in accordance with school disciplinary regulations.

4. Competition for academic achievement

Competition for academic achievement is one of the many examples of conflict that must be resolved. Even though competition in achievement is basically a positive thing, if in practice it is done in an unfair way, it can cause new problems between students. For example, cheating, envy and dissatisfaction with learning results can encourage students to do bad things to their peers.

The solutions to academic achievement competition are:

- Instill the values of sportsmanship and hard work. Guidance is needed so that students can better appreciate the results of their own performance.

- Reward effort and not just results. All the efforts that have been made will not be in vain.

- Emphasizes the importance of the learning process and not just grades. This mindset must be instilled in students so that they have more respect for each other's processes.

5. Injustice in assessment

Unfair assessment is one of the conflicts in schools that must be resolved, this is because this kind of practice has negative social impacts between teachers and students. The emergence of social jealousy between students makes learning activities at school become disharmonious. Examples include allegations of favoritism, discrimination and unclear assessment criteria. Student A gets more marks just because of appearance, than one of student B who managed to answer the questions well.

The solutions to injustice in assessment are:

- Implementation of a transparent and objective assessment system. Transparency of grades must be carried out so that students do not arouse excessive suspicion.

- Dissemination of clear assessment criteria to students. Assessment of students must be based on clear factors.

- Providing opportunities for clarification and revision of grades.

(mg/Zidan Fajri)

Examples of conflicts in schools that must be resolved along with solutions.

photo: freepik.com

6. Lack of school facilities

An example of conflict in schools that must be resolved immediately is the lack of adequate school facilities. School facilities that must be immediately provided by the school include a lack of classrooms, textbooks and other infrastructure. If these facilities are not met, the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities will be disrupted.

The solutions to the lack of school facilities are:

- Advocacy to related parties for facility improvements. If the school is under government auspices, the budget needs to be submitted to the ministry of education.

- Fundraising and participation from parents and alumni. If necessary, parents and alumni can help raise funds.

- Utilization of technology and digital resources.

7. Social and economic disparities

Conflicts caused by social and economic disparities need to be eradicated, because these conflicts have a very negative impact on the school's social environment. Social and economic disparities cause various acts of discrimination against students from different backgrounds. For students who have a lower level of life compared to others, this will create a feeling of inferiority in relationships.

The solutions to social and economic disparities are:

- Instilling the values of equality and tolerance. There needs to be a common understanding between students about values and a culture of respecting others.

- Scholarship and assistance programs for students in need. For students who need financial assistance, the school can provide it so they can continue their studies.

- Character building and anti-discrimination.

8. Differences of opinion and belief

Conflicts caused by differences of opinion and belief are caused by the lack of a strong understanding of inter-religious tolerance. Usually, this conflict often occurs in state schools which have students with diverse religions. Teachers need to provide the values of religious diversity and tolerance. An example of the impact of this conflict is disputes between religious, ethnic or cultural groups in the school environment.

The solutions to differences of opinion and belief are:

- Inter-religious dialogue and education about diversity.

- Application of the values of pluralism and mutual respect.

- Cultivation of tolerance and understanding between cultures.

9. Brawl between schools

An example of a conflict at school that must be resolved immediately is a brawl between schools. Brawls between schools have claimed many victims. If these acts of violence continue without firm action, the perpetrators will not receive a deterrent punishment. Mass fights between groups of students from different schools, usually caused by trivial disputes. Schools and authorities must work together to solve this crime.

The solutions to brawls between schools are:

- Guidance and education about the dangers of brawls.

- Cooperation between schools and security forces.

- Positive activities to channel students' energy and talents.

10. Conflict between parents and teachers

An example of conflict in schools that must be resolved immediately is conflict between parents and teachers, apart from students, parents also have the potential to fight each other because there is no culture of mutual respect. For example, disagreements about educational methods, discipline and school policies. As a result, many parents protested and conflict arose between the two.

The solutions to parent and teacher conflicts are:

- Open and constructive communication between parents and teachers.

- Discussion forum and joint problem solving.

- Implementation of school policies that are transparent and involve parents.

We have written down 10 examples of conflicts in schools that must be resolved along with solutions. The hope is that you can immediately resolve various conflicts and problems that exist in your school environment. There is a need for openness, mutual respect, and being kind to each other. So that acts of violence and internal school conflict do not continue to occur in the future. Hopefully this information is useful!

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