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18 April 2016 16:39

When the litter you throw, throw an insult right back at you

Live Green Toronto has come up with a genius anti-littering campaign to prevent further pollution by littering. Tunggul Kumoro
© Livegreen Toronto

Brilio.net/en - Believe it or not, every small piece of litter you have in your hand today could amount to billions of litters sooner or later, capable of creating a very bad situation that would eventually threaten public health. Nonetheless, the effects of litter will be more visible when people thoughtlessly continue to throw those litters on streets or any public spaces.

Selling dont litter signs has become rather pointless, which got some people thinking of more brilliant ways to prevent such a thing to happen, like what scientists did in Hong Kong to publically shamed litterbugs.

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Another example is Live Green Toronto, a city of Toronto program that attempts to inspire community and people to go green, has come up with another bright idea with their six provocative yet genius print ads. The act is solely done for the anti-littering campaign to help curb the citys current problems with trash and pollution. By cleverly merging labels on two items of litter, they create some pretty-savage-and-hopeful-work words with a tagline that says Littering says a lot about you, showing the branding on each well-known piece of garbage spells out insults aimed at litterbugs. Check this out!

1. Yeah, they are...

She captures messages people wish they could send to their first loves

2. These empty Lays Chips and Krazy Glue packs describe those litter louts very well.

3. Now you get it?

4. Empty du Maurier cigarette pack and Red Bull can for their empty head.

5. You think the world is yours only, huh?

6. Amessage from Reese's Piece and Gatorade.

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