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20 Juni 2024 10:25

What is West Nile virus? Get to know the symptoms, causes and how to overcome them

This disease is quite difficult to detect because 70-80 percent of people infected with WNV do not show symptoms. Niko Sulpriyono
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Brilio.net - Mosquitoes are a threat that humans are very wary of. Many diseases are carried by mosquitoes. One of the diseases caused by mosquitoes is West Nile. West Nile virus is a disease caused by West Nile virus (WNV). Reporting from Kemkes.go.id, the first case was discovered in Uganda, spreading to Israel, America, Tunisia, Egypt, Latin America, Australia and Europe and West Asia.

According to ecdc.europa.eu, cases of West Nile virus infection reached more than 1,300 people. Deaths resulting from the West Nile virus are estimated at up to 104 people in 2022. According to the Banjarnegara Animal Source Disease Control R&D journal, West Nile virus cases began to appear in Indonesia in 2014. The West Nile virus began infecting 12 Surabaya residents.

This disease is quite difficult to detect because 70-80 percent of people infected with WNV do not show symptoms. West Nile virus infection can cause serious disease of the brain and brain membranes.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that West Nile virus disease is a dangerous disease and threatens health. For this reason, you must know what the symptoms, causes and ways to treat West Nile virus are.

West Nile virus symptoms

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West Nile virus is usually difficult to detect by symptoms. About 1 in 5 people who are infected may show symptoms of fever. This disease is similar to flu. Quoting from hopkinsmedicine.org, the most common symptoms of West Nile that you can know are as follows:

- Fever.

- Headache.

- Sore.

- Skin rash on the trunk.

- Swollen lymph nodes.

West Nile virus can have serious impacts when it attacks elderly people. West Nile virus will cross the blood-brain barrier. The symptoms that can be diagnosed are as follows:

- Headache.

- High fever.

- Stiff neck.

- Impaired consciousness, extreme lethargy, and reduced reactivity to external stimuli (stupor).

- Disorientation.

- Comma.

- Tremors.

- Seizures.

- Muscle weakness.

- Paralysis.

Cause of West Nile virus

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West Nile virus is spread to humans through the bite of an infected female mosquito. Mosquitoes are infected when they suck or bite birds that have West Nile virus. One bird that is often associated with carrying the West Nile virus is the crow.

Please note that West Nile virus does not spread between humans. However, in some cases the risk of infection between humans can be transmitted through organ donors. However, the percentage of infection through organs is very small because before donating organs, blood is usually screened to find out whether there is West Nile virus or not.

How to deal with West Nile virus

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According to the World Health Organization, the way to deal with West Nile virus disease is to prevent it. The forms of preventing the West Nile virus are as follows:

- Reduces the risk of transmission from mosquitoes

The first step to preventing transmission is to focus on protecting you and your family against mosquito bites. You can use mosquito nets, mosquito repellent, and wear light colored clothing (long-sleeved shirts and long trousers) and avoid outdoor activities during peak biting times. Apart from that, you can prevent mosquitoes from breeding around you.

- Reduces the risk of transmission from animals to humans

If you frequently come into contact with sick animals, you are required to wear gloves and protective clothing.

- Reduces the risk of transmission through blood transfusions and organ transplants

Restrictions on blood and organ donations and laboratory testing should be implemented when outbreaks occur in affected areas after assessing the local or regional epidemiological situation.

If you have been infected with the West Nile virus, treat it immediately. Treatment will depend on symptoms, age, and health. This also depends on how bad the condition is. Please note that there is no specific treatment for the disease caused by West Nile virus. However, if someone has been infected with the West Nile virus and shows severe symptoms, they should receive the following treatment:

- IV (intravenous) fluids.

- Breathing machine (ventilator).

- Prevention of other infections, such as pneumonia or urinary tract infections.

West Nile virus disease can cause serious complications. The complications caused by the West Nile virus are as follows:

- Inflammation of the brain (encephalitis).

- Inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis).

- Inflammation of the brain and surrounding membranes (meningoencephalitis).

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