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15 Mei 2024 17:45

What is pantun, understand its purpose, function, types, characteristics and examples

Pantun comes from the Minangkabau language, namely patuntun, which means guide Sri Jumiyarti Risno

Brilio.net - Some of you may be familiar with pantun. However, not everyone understands what pantun is. Pantun comes from the Minangkabau language, namely patuntun, which means guide. Pantun is an oral literary work of ancient people who were accustomed to responding to rhymes.

The habit of pantun was formed spontaneously, where people at that time often said it without thinking. However, as time went by, pantuns were also found in written form.

You could say that old Indonesian poetry comes from the Malay literary tradition. In Javanese, pantun is known as parikan. Meanwhile in Sundanese it is known as paparikan. Pantun contains creative and critical ideas, and has dense meaning.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) pantun is a form of Indonesian (Malay) poetry in which each stanza (couplet) consists of eight to twelve syllables, with abab rhyme. The first and second rows are usually for the support (sampiran), the third and fourth rows are the contents.

In Malay culture, pantun is often used as a form of oral literary expression. Pantun has a creative characteristic, using comparisons, metaphors or figures of speech to convey a message or story in a beautiful and rhyming style. Apart from that, pantun can be used as entertainment, for example in traditional art performances or celebratory events.

To understand further what pantun is, its purpose, function, characteristics and examples, you need to listen to the review summarized by brilio.net from various sources on Wednesday (15/5).

The purpose of the poem.

What is pantun, understand its purpose, function, types, characteristics and examples
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So that you better understand what pantun is, it is important to understand what the purpose of pantun actually is? The aims of pantun include:

1. Advice message.

Pantun are often used to convey moral messages or advice to listeners.

2. Expression of affection.

Pantun can also be used to express feelings of love or affection, for example love rhymes which contain gossip.

3. As a teaching of character and morals.

It cannot be denied that pantun can be a medium for conveying the teachings of character and moral values. For example, advice rhymes provide messages about the importance of wise behavior, not being arrogant, or respecting each other.

4. Social interests.

Not only that, pantun also aims to have a positive social impact. Where there are social activities, such as religious preaching, business or trade, they are often conveyed using rhymes. Because, through rhymes the communication process becomes comfortable.

5. As entertainment or humor.

So, usually rhymes contain jokes at social events. It's not surprising that rhymes are often used as entertainment in the middle of social events or family events. For example, at weddings there are often rhymes from the bride and groom's families to welcome the two families' happy day.

6. Local wisdom and Indonesian cultural heritage.

As a form of oral literature originating from Minangkabau, pantun also aims to maintain and preserve local wisdom and Indonesian cultural heritage. The hope is that pantun will continue to exist and be familiar to the younger generation who live in the modern era like now.

Thus, pantun has very broad and varied functions. Starting from education, social, to entertainment. Therefore, pantun is an important part of Indonesia's cultural and literary heritage which must be preserved from generation to generation of the nation.

Rhyme function.

What is pantun, understand its purpose, function, types, characteristics and examples
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1. A means of entertainment for the community.

Pantun can be used to enliven the atmosphere at social events. Through rhymes and interesting words, rhymes can make people laugh and be entertained or get lost in the story.

2. Full of learning.

Pantun often contain moral messages, advice or wise advice. Submitting it in rhyme form makes it easier to understand and remember.

3. Other ways of expressing emotions.

Pantun can be a subtle and implied communication tool. Someone can convey their feelings, feelings of love, or even criticism through rhymes.

4. Preserving national culture and identity.

Pantun is an old literary work that has been passed down from generation to generation. The use of rhymes in various events helps preserve culture and becomes a characteristic characteristic of Indonesian people's identity.

Types of poetry.

What is pantun, understand its purpose, function, types, characteristics and examples
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There are many types of pantun, generally differentiated based on their content or purpose. Here are some types of pantun that are commonly found:

1. Advice poems contain moral or educational messages that aim to provide good advice to other people.

2. Religious poetry, contains positive messages or values related to religious teachings.

3. Joke rhymes, namely rhymes created with the aim of entertaining other people. Usually limericks contain elements of humor or funny words.

4. Riddle rhymes, namely rhymes that contain questions, are generally conveyed in a complicated way. The listener must be able to guess the answer to the riddle.

5. Figurative poetry, using similes or similes to convey a certain meaning. The meaning or message of this pantun is not conveyed directly, but is implied.

Pantun can also be differentiated based on age and/or the theme raised, for example:

6. Children's rhymes usually use simple language, are easy to understand, and contain everyday themes.

7. Teenage rhymes, related to stories of love, friendship, or everyday life of teenagers.

8. Adult rhymes are usually more complex and highlight adult life problems. For example, household matters, office matters, relationships with neighbors, work, love, old age, and so on.

Characteristics of poetry.

What is pantun, understand its purpose, function, types, characteristics and examples
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Pantun has several characteristics that differentiate it from other types of poetry. There are also characteristics of pantun as follows:

1. Each rhyme stanza consists of four lines.
2. Ideally, each line in the pantun has 8 to 12 syllables.
3. Pantun has a certain rhyme pattern, namely abab. This means that the first and third lines have the same rhyme (a), as do the second and fourth lines (b). However, there are also rhymes with free patterns but have similar rhymes, for example the rhyme pattern aaaa and so on.
4. The pantun is divided into two parts, namely the sampiran (lines 1 and 2) and the content (lines 3 and 4). The sampiran is usually in the form of an opening, while the content of the rhyme is located in the third and fourth lines.
5. Pantun generally does not have a known or anonymous author. Pantun has been spoken from generation to generation in society.

Example of a rhyme.

What is pantun, understand its purpose, function, types, characteristics and examples
2024 Freepik.com/various sources

1. Pantun Advice.

At the edge of the river I stopped

Eliminate the fatigue of holding the snare

Parents should not be denied

To be safe in the afterlife

2. Religious Poems.

Travel to Kenya

Just keep eating bread

Worship only Him

Clean intentions, sincere heart

3. Limerick.

The leaves of the banana tree are wilting

Can be used as fertilizer in rice fields

When my brother said I wipe yu

All I can say is, kiss miapah

4. Riddles

Terendak bentan then bought

For clothes, I went down to the rice fields

If only you were wise, bestari

What animal is the head below?

(Answer: Bat)

5. Figures of speech.

Jasmine flowers are fragrant

Beautiful blooms in the palace gardens

Like a sincere and sincere compliment

Delights the heart and soul.

6. Children's Rhymes.

Let's play in the flower garden

See butterflies flying

Don't forget to study and read

To be a smart and proud child

7. Teenage Pantun.

New pants are too small

Buy it at a shop near the park

It's a pleasure to meet you

So have lots of friends

8. Adult Rhymes.

Earning a living for your beloved family

Hot and rainy never complains

Work diligently and enthusiastically

For a bright and happy future

9. Friendship Poems.

Two friends sitting side by side

Share stories and laugh

True friends are like brothers

Strengthen each other in times of joy and sorrow

10. Love Poems.

Beautiful colored red roses

Blooms in the garden in the morning sun

My heart is always tied to you

True, irreplaceable love

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