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22 Agustus 2024 21:45

What is ain in Islam, understand the meaning, characteristics, and prayers to avoid the disease

Muslims can be more alert and prepared to face it. Niko Sulpriyono
What is ain in Islam, understand the meaning, characteristics, and prayers to avoid the disease freepik.com

Brilio.net - In Islamic teachings, 'what is ain' is an important topic and is often discussed, along with the development of the times. Ain or the suspicion of the eye refers to the negative influence that can arise due to envy, hatred, or dissatisfaction of a person towards another person. This phenomenon is often associated with the emergence of disease or someone experiencing difficulties.

By understanding the ain, as well as the prayers that can be recited to protect oneself from its impacts, Muslims can be more alert and prepared to face it.

What is ain in Islam refers to the belief that a jealous or hateful gaze can have a negative impact on a person. This concept includes the belief that negative energy resulting from dislike or dissatisfaction can affect the health and well-being of the person being targeted. In Islamic tradition, ain is considered a form of disturbance that can affect a person's daily life.

There are various ways to protect yourself from the influence of others. Among them, there are several prayers recommended in Islamic teachings. These prayers are believed to help protect yourself from bad influences that may arise from negative gazes or feelings from others.

Come on, take a look at the discussion that brilio.net has summarized from various sources, Thursday (22/8).

The meaning of ain in Islam.

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In Islamic teachings, ain is considered as one form of spiritual disturbance that requires special attention. Ain or often called sangkaan mata is a term in Islam that refers to the negative effects that arise from a gaze full of envy or hatred towards someone.

This concept explains that a look that is not accompanied by gratitude or kindness can have negative effects on the person being targeted, such as health problems or problems in their life.

The concept of ain describes the belief that negative energy from a gaze can affect a person's physical and emotional well-being. While the effects are often not immediately apparent, the influence of ain can cause symptoms or health problems that have no clear medical explanation.

Other characteristics.

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The signs of ain's influence are often marked by the sudden onset of physical or emotional symptoms for no apparent medical reason. Common signs include recurring headaches, extreme fatigue, or other health problems that cannot be explained by a medical examination. These symptoms may appear without any history of illness or underlying health conditions, making diagnosis difficult.

In addition to physical symptoms, drastic mood swings can also be an indication of being affected by ain. A person affected by ain may experience sudden and intense feelings of anxiety, anger, or sadness. These emotional changes that cannot be explained by logical reasons can disrupt an individual's mental and emotional balance.

Difficulties or problems in daily life are also often considered as signs of ain. For example, a person may suddenly face financial problems, a deteriorating relationship, or a major challenge at work for no apparent reason. Knowing the signs of ain is important for you to be able to prevent it immediately.

Prayer to protect yourself from ain.

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In the face of spiritual challenges and disturbances, prayer to protect oneself from the evil eye plays a very important role in Islam. The evil eye, known as the negative effects of envious gazes, can affect one's health and well-being without looking directly at them.

Therefore, Muslims are advised to recite prayers as a form of protection and protection from the bad influence of Ain. These prayers not only function as spiritual protection, but also an effort to strengthen one's faith and protect oneself from negative impacts that may arise.

Narrated by Ibnu Abbas, this prayer to avoid Ain was once offered by the Prophet Muhammad SAW when asking for protection for his grandsons Hasan and Husain from Ain . The prayer to protect yourself from ain is as follows:

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Latin: U'iidzuka bikalimatillahit taammati min kulli syaithaanin wa haammatin wa min kulli 'ainin laammatin.

Meaning: I ask Allah for protection for you with the perfect words of Allah from all devils and dangerous animals and from those who criticize (HR Bukhari)

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