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31 Oktober 2015 18:00

Want Hundreds of Millions of Rupiah As Income? Be a Game Developer

Some games published out there can earn up to USD 10.000 per month Nur Romdlon

Brilio.net/en - Lets face it, many of us like playing games because they kill boredom and keeps us distracted especially in times of stress.

Rico Lemba, a programmer and game developer from Stella Null said that until now, people who play games are still often negatively stigmatized. Many people have the incorrect assumption that gamers are lazy people and they just waste their time.

Thats why some people feel ashamed to admit their job as game developer, said Rico who is a graduate of the IT department in Duta Wacana Christian University (UKDW) to brilio.net/en, Sunday (16/8). Rico himself is the creator of a puzzle game titled Layers which successfully broke into the top 10 puzzle games on the iOS Appstore.

Rico told that his profession as a game developer should not be underestimated. A game that had been published on GooglePlay or the iOS Appstore could earn up to USD 10.000 each month.

Rico recalled that his passion in games had existed since he was a child. Thats what made him focus on the gaming world by being a programmer and started to develop his own game studio called Stella Null.

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