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11 Juli 2016 15:20

Video Shows Panic in Dallas During Cop Killings

Shock & Horror: Clip Captures Fear on the Ground Blaise Hope
Video Shows Panic in Dallas During Cop Killings Screengrab of video uploaded by the Youtube channel Central Track. Credit: Courtesy of/via Central Track

Brilio.net/en - As the United States reels from the horrific killing of police officers during a peaceful protest in Dallas, Texas, a video that perfectly captures the sense of horror is racking up views online.

The video, which has more than 1.3 million views at the time of writing, is filmed from a nearby parking lot. It was uploaded on July 7 the day of the attacks to the Youtube channel of Central Track, an online portal dedicated to happenings in the Dallas area.

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In it, you can hear citizens reacting to the chaos unfolding around them, as the realization dawns that a sniper is targeting police officers.

Cop killer

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Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, shot dead five police officers in Dallas last week before he was killed by a robot bomb following a ferocious gun battle with police. Eleven officers were injured.

Johnson told police during negotiations before he was killed that he wanted to kill white people and especially white police officers. He said he was angry at the killings of black men by cops.

The military veteran opened fire during a march to protest the recent killings by police of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in St. Anthony, Minnesota, a suburb of St. Paul. Sterlings death was captured on video and posted online, as was the bloody aftermath of Castiles shooting by police.

After hours of talks, officers sent in a robot with a bomb to end the standoff.

Near where he died, Johnson wrote the letters RB in his own blood. Its still not clear what they mean.

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