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13 September 2024 04:04

Various types of scouting proficiency signs and their functions

The scouting proficiency badge is a symbol of appreciation Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - The scouting proficiency badge is a symbol of appreciation given to scout members as a form of recognition of the skills, abilities, and knowledge they have mastered. This proficiency badge is an identity for scouts that shows that they have certain skills according to established standards. In scouting, there are various proficiency badges, ranging from general proficiency badges (TKU) to special proficiency badges (TKK). This article will explain further about the various proficiency badges in scouting and their functions.

1. General Proficiency Certificate (TKU)

General Proficiency Mark (TKU) is a mark given to scouts who have achieved a certain level of basic skills according to their group. TKU is given based on scout levels, namely Siaga, Penggalang, Penegak, and Pandega.

TKU Siaga: The scouting proficiency mark for the Siaga group consists of three levels, namely Siaga Mula, Siaga Bantu, and Siaga Tata. Each level shows the increase in skills and knowledge of the Siaga scout members.
TKU Penggalang: The scouting proficiency mark for the scouting group consists of three levels, namely Penggalang Ramu, Penggalang Rakit, and Penggalang Terap. Each level has certain requirements that must be met, such as camping skills, mastery of scout codes, and knowledge of first aid.
TKU Penegak: The sign of proficiency in scouting for the penegak group consists of two levels, namely Penegak Bantara and Penegak Laksana. Penegak Bantara is the first level, while Penegak Laksana is a higher advanced level.
TKU Pandega: The scouting proficiency mark for the pandega group is the highest level that can be achieved by adult scouts. Pandega must have deeper skills in various fields and be able to be a role model for other scouts.

2. Special Proficiency Mark (TKK)

Special Proficiency Mark (TKK) is a mark given to scouts who have mastered special skills or expertise outside the basic skills required in TKU. TKK is grouped based on skill areas including health, sports, arts and culture, manual skills, and many more. TKK also has levels according to scout groups, namely Siaga, Penggalang, Penegak, and Pandega.

Health Sector: TKK in the health sector is given to scouts who have skills in the health sector, such as first aid skills, wound care, and knowledge of infectious diseases.
Sports Field: TKK sports field is given to scouts who have skills in various sports, such as soccer, swimming, athletics, and archery. These skills include an understanding of the rules of the game as well as the correct basic techniques.
Arts and Culture: The Arts and Culture TKK is given to scouts who have abilities in the arts, such as dance, music, drama, or fine arts. This TKK also includes traditional skills, such as making handicrafts or playing traditional musical instruments.
Handicrafts: The TKK handicrafts category is given to scouts who have special skills in making or repairing items, such as sewing, making crafts from bamboo, wood or metal, and flower arranging.

3. Garuda Scout Symbol

The Garuda Scout Mark is the highest scouting proficiency mark given to scout members who have shown extraordinary achievements in the fields of skills, personality, and devotion. This mark is given to scout members from all groups who meet certain requirements, such as having all TKU and TKK at a certain level, and showing high dedication and responsibility in scouting activities.

Function of the Garuda Scout symbol: The Garuda Scout symbol functions as a symbol of recognition of the achievements and commitment of scout members in carrying out scouting activities. In addition, this symbol also motivates other scout members to achieve the same achievements by developing themselves in the fields of skills, leadership, and devotion.

4. Sign of Appreciation

An award is a sign of skill in scouting that is given as a form of appreciation for the services, achievements, or dedication of a scout or scout leader in scouting activities. This award can be given by the National Headquarters (Kwarnas) or Regional Headquarters (Kwarda) to scout members who have made significant contributions in advancing the scout movement at the local or national level.

Examples of appreciation tokens:

o Dharma Bakti Badge: This badge is awarded to scout leaders or figures who have demonstrated extraordinary devotion in advancing the scout movement.
o Pancawarsa Badge: This badge is given to scout members who have been active in the scout movement for five consecutive years.

5. Position Sign

A badge is a badge of competence in scouting that shows a person's position or role in a scout organization, such as squad leader, squad leader, or scout leader. This badge is usually worn on scout uniforms and shows the member's responsibilities and functions in the scout organization structure.

Examples of job marks:

o Squad leader: This badge is worn by scouts who hold the position of squad leader in the scout troop.
o Scout leader: This badge is worn by Scoutmasters who are leaders in a particular scout or work group.

The scouting proficiency badge serves not only as an award for skills and achievements, but also as a motivation for scouts to continue learning, developing, and contributing to society. Each proficiency badge reflects the scout's spirit and commitment to developing themselves and providing benefits to their surroundings.

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