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18 September 2024 03:34

Various types of conflicts that occur due to social diversity and their impacts

Although diversity can be a wealth in itself, diversity is often also the cause of conflict. Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - Diversity in society is something that cannot be avoided, especially in countries with large populations and diverse cultures. Although diversity can be a wealth in itself, diversity is often also the cause of conflict. This article will discuss the types of conflicts that occur due to diversity in society, as well as how these conflicts can affect social and political life.

1. Ethnic Conflict

One of the types of conflict that occurs due to the diversity of society is ethnic conflict. This conflict usually occurs because of differences in ethnic identity that trigger competition or tension between different groups. Ethnicity is often an important factor in determining social ties, so if there is injustice or discrimination against one ethnic group, conflict can quickly arise.

A real example of ethnic conflict is when a majority ethnic group dominates a minority group in economic, political, or cultural aspects. This injustice can cause feelings of dissatisfaction that lead to clashes, even major riots. Ethnic conflicts like this can last for a long time and have an impact on the stability of the country.

2. Religious Conflict

Religious conflict is one type of conflict that occurs due to the diversity of society. Differences in beliefs and religious practices often trigger tensions between groups that adhere to different religions. Religious conflict usually arises when one group feels threatened or disrespected by another religious group, either in terms of freedom of worship or social values.

In some countries, religious conflict can lead to inter-group violence. Holy wars, religious persecution, and restrictions on religious minorities are often the main drivers of such conflicts. In addition, religious-based identity politics can also exacerbate conflicts and divide pluralistic societies.

3. Socio-Economic Conflict

Diversity in society also often triggers socio-economic conflict, which is one of the types of conflict that occurs due to diversity in society. Differences in social class and access to economic resources can cause tensions between the rich and the poor. This inequality is often exacerbated by differences in cultural, religious, or ethnic identity.

Socio-economic conflicts usually arise when there is dissatisfaction regarding the distribution of wealth, jobs, or access to public services. Groups who feel economically marginalized may protest or even resort to violence to demand justice. These conflicts can be very destructive and disrupt the economic stability and development of a country.

4. Cultural Conflict

Cultural conflict is part of the various types of conflict that occur due to the diversity of society. Each group in society usually has different values, norms, and cultural traditions. When two or more groups with different cultures interact, friction often occurs that can trigger conflict.

Differences in views on lifestyle, customs, or language can lead to cultural conflict. For example, one group may feel that their traditions or language are not respected by another group, which can lead to feelings of anger or disappointment. In the long run, cultural conflict can divide a society and create a wider gap.

5. Political Conflict

In addition to ethnic, religious, socio-economic, and cultural conflicts, political conflicts are also one of the types of conflicts that occur due to the diversity of society. The diversity of political views is often a source of division in society. Differences in ideology or political orientation can trigger debate, competition, and even violence between different groups.

These political tensions usually escalate during elections or changes in leadership. Political parties or groups with different interests may try to win support from different groups in society through unhealthy means, such as pitting people against each other or spreading false information. Political conflicts often lead to national instability and social crises.

6. Identity Conflict

The types of conflicts that occur due to the diversity of society also include identity conflicts. In diverse societies, personal identities such as religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation are often the cause of discrimination and marginalization. When a person or group feels that their identity is being belittled or ignored, conflict can quickly arise.

This identity conflict usually occurs in the form of resistance to discrimination or policies that are considered detrimental to certain groups. The impact can be very broad, ranging from protests to social rebellion. This conflict is also often related to the struggle for human rights, where minority groups fight for recognition and equal treatment.

The types of conflicts that occur due to the diversity of society include ethnic, religious, socio-economic, cultural, political, and identity conflicts. Each type of conflict can arise due to differences in views, discrimination, or injustice felt by certain groups in society. The impacts not only affect social life, but also the politics and economy of a country. It is important for society to understand and appreciate diversity in order to prevent greater conflicts.

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