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4 Oktober 2024 01:40

Various regulations governing national defense in Indonesia

Defending the country is the responsibility of every citizen in maintaining sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the safety of the nation from various threats. Brilio.net

Brilio.net - Defending the country is the responsibility of every citizen in maintaining sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the safety of the nation from various threats. As part of the national obligation, defending the country has been regulated in various laws and regulations in Indonesia. These laws and regulations underline the importance of the role of citizens in protecting the country from both military and non-military threats.

This article will explain the various regulations governing national defense, covering constitutional aspects to the implementation of national defense education. Understanding these regulations is important to strengthen the spirit of nationalism and maintain the integrity of the country from various threats.

  1. The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

The highest legal basis governing national defense in Indonesia is the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD 1945). In Article 27 paragraph 3, it is stated that "Every citizen has the right and obligation to participate in national defense efforts." This article emphasizes that every individual, without exception, has a responsibility to guard the country.

In addition, Article 30 paragraph 1 also strengthens the obligation to defend the country by stating, "Every citizen has the right and obligation to participate in the defense and security of the country." These two articles became the main foundation for more detailed regulations related to national defense issued afterwards.

  1. Law Number 3 of 2002 concerning National Defense

Law Number 3 of 2002 concerning National Defense is a more specific legal basis regarding national defense. In this law, national defense is explained as the attitude and actions of citizens based on a sense of love for the homeland, awareness of nation and state, belief in Pancasila, and willingness to sacrifice for the country.

This law also regulates various components of national defense, including the role of the TNI and citizens in defending the country's sovereignty from external and domestic threats. In the articles of this law, citizens can participate in defense efforts through basic military training, service as TNI soldiers, and service according to their profession.

  1. Law Number 23 of 2019 concerning Management of National Resources for National Defense

Law Number 23 of 2019 concerning Management of National Resources for National Defense is a newer regulation that emphasizes the importance of the role of all elements of society in national defense. This law expands the definition of national defense by combining various components of national resources, such as human resources, natural resources, and artificial resources, all of which are managed for the benefit of national defense.

In addition, this law also introduces the concept of Reserve Components and Supporting Components. Reserve Components are citizens who have been trained and prepared to strengthen the main component of defense, namely the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI). Meanwhile, Supporting Components are organizations, institutions, or individuals who have the ability to support defense efforts.

The implementation of national defense is also increasingly being expanded to non-military areas through the utilization of citizens' professional abilities in certain fields such as health, technology, and logistics.

  1. Law Number 20 of 1982 concerning Basic Provisions for State Defense and Security

Law Number 20 of 1982 is one of the early regulations governing state defense and security. Although much of its content has been updated by later laws, this law remains an important milestone in the history of Indonesian defense legislation.

This law emphasizes that the defense and security system of the Indonesian state is the Total People's Defense and Security System (Sishankamrata), which involves all Indonesian people as the main component of defense. In this context, citizens are seen as active components in maintaining the security and defense of the state, both directly through the military and through non-military activities that support state sovereignty.

  1. Government Regulation Number 4 of 1966 concerning National Defense

Government Regulation Number 4 of 1966 concerning National Defense further regulates the obligations of citizens in national defense efforts. This regulation provides detailed guidelines on how citizens can participate in national defense efforts, including in the form of basic military training.

This regulation also mentions the importance of national defense education as part of the formation of nationalism and patriotism character from an early age. This education is carried out through various formal, non-formal educational institutions, and community organizations.

  1. Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2021 concerning General State Defense Policy for 2020-2024

Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2021 provides strategic direction on national defense policy for the period 2020 to 2024. In this regulation, the aspect of national defense is prioritized through increasing human resource capacity and increasing public awareness of the importance of an active role in national defense.

This policy also emphasizes the development of Reserve Components and Support Components, as well as the use of technology to support national defense in facing modern threats such as cyber threats.

Defending the country is not only the responsibility of the military, but also involves all levels of society. Various laws and regulations, ranging from the 1945 Constitution to laws and government regulations, have established the obligations and rights of citizens in the defense of the country. Every Indonesian citizen is required to have a sense of love for the country, national awareness, and a willingness to sacrifice for the country.

Through laws such as Law No. 3 of 2002 and Law No. 23 of 2019, national defense has been regulated in detail, including active participation in the Reserve and Support Components and non-military roles in facing national threats. The importance of national defense education is also emphasized as an effort to build national character and strengthen national sovereignty amidst global challenges.

With a good understanding of these regulations, every citizen can be better prepared and play an active role in maintaining the sovereignty and integrity of the nation.

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