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18 Juni 2016 09:59

UWRF 2016 has chosen the 16 emerging Indonesian writers

Although labelled as ‘emerging’, the talent of the writers is finely honed Victoria Tunggono
UWRF 2016 has chosen the 16 emerging Indonesian writers

Brilio.net/en - Ubud Writers and Readers Festival is an annual event that celebrates the power of writing and reading. It is held in Ubud, in Gianyar Regency of Bali. The international event invites authors and welcomes readers from all over the world to gather in the beautiful highlands to enjoy both the fresh nature scenery and to exchange great ideas with other writers and readers.

Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati has been doing this event for over 12 years now, with the following event to be held from 26 30 October, 2016, bringing the theme Tvat Tvam Asi or I am you, you are me. As the preparation for the big event, they opened registration for Indonesian emerging writers and had chosen the final 16 out of 894 writers across 201 cities and 33 provinces.

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This is a significant increase from 595 submissions in 2015, and serves as evidence of Indonesias flourishing creativity, as written on the official UWRF website.

As a foundation, one of our missions in hosting the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival each year is to create pathways for young Indonesians to pursue a career in literature and the arts, said Founder & Director Janet DeNeefe. Bringing together 16 emerging young writers, connecting them with the global literary industry, and showcasing their talent to the world, is one of the most rewarding things we do as a Festival.

Not only will the 16 emerging writers take part in the UWRF program, their works will also be translated into English and published as part of the Yayasans anthology series, now in its eighth edition. The book will be launched at the Festival and will be available for purchase by audiences estimated to reach up to 30,000 this year.

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Although labelling the artists as emerging, their talent is already finely honed, said member of the independent curatorial board and celebrated Indonesian author, Seno Gumira Ajidarma.

This years selection proves that the work of emerging writers isnt always raw, and is in fact very impressive in comparison with some of Indonesias most established authors, he said. This is evidence that skilled writers in Indonesia dont always have the pathways to pursue writing as a career option, something the Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati is helping to change.

Below are the winners of the 13th UWRF Emerging Writers:

  • Arung Wardhana Ellhafifie (Bangkalan)
  • Dahlia Rasyad (Yogyakarta)
  • Deasy Tirayoh (Kendari)
  • Dimas Indiana Senja (Yogyakarta)
  • Azri Zakkiyah (Malang)
  • E. Rokajat Asura (Cilegon)
  • Gemi Mohawk (Tangerang)
  • Boni Candra (Padang)
  • Joko Sucipto (Bangkalan)
  • Joseph Rio Jovian Haminoto (Jakarta)
  • Murizal Hamzah (Jakarta)
  • Nersalya Renata (Jakarta)
  • Ni Putu Rastiti (Denpasar)
  • Royyan Julian (Pamekasan)
  • Sidik Nugroho (Pontianak)
  • Soetan Radjo Pamoentjak (Bukittinggi)

Congratulations to these talented writers and lets meet them all in the upcoming festival!

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