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16 September 2024 19:00

Understanding the various theories of sovereignty: The complete guide

Sovereignty is a fundamental concept in political science and law that refers to the highest power in a country. Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - Sovereignty is a fundamental concept in political science and law that refers to the highest power in a country. In the history of political thought, various theories of sovereignty have been developed by philosophers and legal experts.

The theory of God's sovereignty

The theory of God's sovereignty is one of the earliest theories of sovereignty. This theory states that the highest power comes from God. The king or ruler is considered as God's representative on earth, so that his power cannot be challenged by humans. This theory was widely adopted during the ancient kingdoms and the Middle Ages.

Theory of King's Sovereignty

The theory of royal sovereignty developed during the absolute monarchy in Europe. According to this theory, the king has absolute power that cannot be limited by law or other institutions. The king is considered the source of law and justice. One of the figures who is famous for this theory is Jean Bodin, a French philosopher who lived in the 16th century.

Theory of state sovereignty

The theory of state sovereignty is one of the various theories of sovereignty that developed in the modern era. This theory states that sovereignty lies in the state as a legal and political entity. The state has the highest power to create and enforce laws. This theory is widely adopted by modern countries that adopt a positive legal system.

The theory of the rule of law

The theory of the rule of law emphasizes that law is the highest power in a country. According to this theory, all actions of the government and citizens must be subject to the law. This theory aims to prevent abuse of power by the ruler. One of the figures who is famous for this theory is Hans Kelsen, an Austrian legal expert.

The theory of popular sovereignty

The theory of popular sovereignty is one of the most popular theories of sovereignty in a democratic system. This theory states that the highest power lies in the hands of the people. The government only acts as a representative of the people who are elected through a general election process. This theory emphasizes the importance of active participation of the people in the political process.

Theory of democratic sovereignty

The theory of democratic sovereignty is a development of the theory of popular sovereignty. This theory emphasizes that sovereignty is not only in the hands of the people, but must also be carried out through transparent and accountable democratic mechanisms. This theory emphasizes the importance of separation of powers, checks and balances, and protection of human rights.

The theory of economic sovereignty

The theory of economic sovereignty is one of the various theories of sovereignty that emphasizes the importance of sovereignty in the economic field. According to this theory, the state must have full control over economic resources and economic policies to ensure the welfare of the people. This theory is often adopted by countries that adopt a socialist economic system.

Understanding the various theories of sovereignty is important to understand the dynamics of power in a country. Each theory has advantages and disadvantages that must be considered in a historical and social context. By understanding the various theories of sovereignty, you can be more critical in assessing the political and legal systems around you.

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