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14 Juni 2024 14:43

Trivial but vulnerable to dengue fever, these 5 habits make the house a mosquito nest even though it is cleaned often

Even though we clean it frequently, we often ignore the habits that are the reason mosquitoes still feel at home at home. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
Trivial but vulnerable to dengue fever, these 5 habits make the house a mosquito nest even though it is cleaned often foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DBD ) is one of the diseases currently stalking Indonesian society. In Indonesia, dengue fever cases are increasingly worrying. According to data from Kemenkes.go.id, as of March 1 2024, almost 16,000 cases of dengue fever were recorded in 213 districts/cities with a death rate of 124 people.

This infectious disease is caused by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito . Even though dengue fever can be cured, you need to be careful because of the possibility of complications from shock or dengue shock syndrome which can lead to the death of the patient. Therefore, you need to take steps to prevent dengue transmission.

One way to overcome this is by keeping the house clean. Even though we clean it frequently, we often ignore the habits that are the reason mosquitoes still feel at home at home. What are you curious about? Here are five reasons mosquitoes feel at home at home, reported by brilio.net from various sources on Friday (14/5)

1. Dark room.

photo: freepik.com

Even though the house is often swept and mopped every day, sometimes trivial things make mosquitoes feel at home. One of them is a dark and damp room. Lack of sunlight in one room makes the room damp so mosquitoes can easily make their nests here.

For example, the warehouse area is far from sunlight, so the humidity level is higher and makes it easier for mosquitoes to nest there. Therefore, try to clean the warehouse regularly so that mosquitoes don't stay at home.

2. Lots of piles of rubbish.

photo: freepik.com

Frequently piling up rubbish at home or in rooms can become a nest for mosquitoes. The reason is, trash cans are often a favorite place for mosquitoes to breed. Therefore, every day you must clean the contents of the rubbish at home. Not only trash in the kitchen, but every other corner of the house must be cleaned regularly.

3. Ignore puddles of water.

photo: freepik.com

Sometimes, the habit of letting water sit in flower pots, aquariums, buckets or bathtubs becomes a favorite place for mosquitoes to breed. These places are perfect areas for mosquito larvae to develop. So, for this reason, it is mandatory to clean every day standing water in drinking containers, dishwashing containers, and so on.

Make sure to tightly cover the water bucket so mosquitoes can't get in. The bathtub can be cleaned regularly and add mosquito repellent to it. When you want to leave the house for a long period of time, make sure to empty any areas of standing water such as the bathroom tub. This aims to overcome the potential for mosquito larvae to breed at home.

4. Often pile up things.

photo: freepik.com

Mosquitoes like areas that are messy, dark and full of things. So, the habit of piling things up in the kitchen, bathroom, warehouse or bedroom can cause mosquitoes to breed. Try checking areas of your house whether there are too many things piled up or not. It's best if you have a lot of stuff at home, try spraying it with mosquito repellent so that mosquitoes don't come again. Apart from that, as much as possible avoid piling things in one place.

5. Often hang clothes behind the door.

photo: freepik.com

Without realizing it, clothes hanging behind the door often become a comfortable place for mosquitoes. This is because hanging clothes often smell of sweat which mosquitoes like. Apart from that, dark clothes or towels hung in damp conditions have the potential to become mosquito nests. Therefore, try not to hang clothes behind the door.

When finished wearing, clothes should be put in a closed dirty clothes basket. Or if you are still using it again, it's best to put it in the wardrobe and cover it tightly so that mosquitoes don't hide in the wardrobe.

How to prevent mosquito bites to avoid dengue fever.

photo: freepik.com

1. Drain the water reservoir. If you still use the shelter, you should close it tightly to prevent mosquitoes from entering and laying eggs in the water.

2. Try to throw away any used items such as bottles, cans, makeup tools in the trash. Sort it and then give it to the recycling waste collector. For organic waste, it is best to process it into plant compost.

3. Wear bright and closed clothes. Well, bright clothes such as white, yellow and red are not liked by mosquitoes so they can help you avoid mosquito bites.

4. Don't hang clothes behind doors or walls, because this can create a comfortable environment for mosquitoes to breed.

5. Areas of the house that are full of lush plants should be pruned. Arrange them neatly to reduce mosquito hiding places.

6. It is best to plant aromatic plants that mosquitoes don't like, such as lemongrass, lavender, mint leaves and the like, which have natural repellants against mosquitoes. The hope is that it can help reduce mosquitoes at home.

7. Lastly, you can also prevent dengue fever with vaccination. DHF vaccination can help the body build immunity against the dengue virus. The goal is to reduce the risk of infection and complications that may occur.

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