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12 April 2016 15:10

Tin Foil Robbers try to rob bank in Brazil

While aluminum foil may catch most people’s eyes, the robbers were attempting to confuse the heat sensor alarm system. Ivana Lucic

Brilio.net/en - Youve got to appreciate the creativity folks. Bank robberies usually conjure images of ski masks and all black outfits, but these two Brazilian thieves thought outside of the box and covered themselves in tin foil for an attempted bank heist in Southern Brazil.

And they would have almost gotten away with it had their aluminum foil get-up provided them with the Harry Potter invisibility they so desperately needed.

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While aluminum foil may catch most peoples eyes, the robbers were attempting to confuse the heat sensor alarm system late on Saturday evening at the Praia Grande location of Banco do Brasil, in the state of Santa Catarina.

"They broke down one of the walls and thought the detectors from the alarm would not notice them," Santa Catarina military police spokesman Maj. Cristian Dimitri told CNN. "When the bank's central monitoring system saw them on the screen, they called the police immediately."

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Image via huffingtonpost.com

The aluminum get up may have manipulated the alarm system, the two failed to recognize the security cameras recording their every move.

The best part is the robbers were really attempting to move in a sly manner, and screenshots of the security footage shows them crawling on the floor of the bank.

The would-be robbers got away, but empty-handed nonetheless, as police believe they were working with one or two other men who must have tipped off the suspects before the police arrived, so the heist was rather short lived.

The robbers were no doubt inspired by the successful action of two guys in Rio de Janeiro who used an aluminum cloak to throw off an alarm that was activated by body heat.

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