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14 Oktober 2016 22:06

FPI Take To The Streets To Protest Ahok's 'Slip Of The Tongue'

Why talk it out when you can paralyze traffic...? Brilio.net
FPI Take To The Streets To Protest Ahok's 'Slip Of The Tongue' (Illustration: via Merdeka.com)

Brilio.net/en - Jakarta commuters on Friday were forced to avoid major roads across the city as a large crowd of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) members and other Islamic organizations, marched towards theJakarta City Hall ina protest against Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok).

After the Friday prayer, thousands of FPI members, led by FPIs chairman Habib Rizieq Shihab, moved from the Istiqlal Grand Mosque in Central Jakarta, tightly guarded by the joint personnel of Polda Metro Jaya and Kodam Jaya. According to Habib Rizieq, this demonstration has nothing to do with politics.

Be aware of provocation, said Habib Rizieq to FPI members from the command car. This is not a political movement. This has nothing to do with Jakartas general election. Our demonstration is pure to seek for justice regarding the defamation of religion.

Rizieq was referring to a Facebook video of Ahoks speech in front of the residentsof the Kepulauan Seribu that recently went viral, in whichAhok had a few things to say about the Koran'sAl Maida verse 51.

In that controversial speech, Ahok said I want to say things to make ladies and gentlemen [in front of me] auspicious. So, dont ever think that Ah! If Ahok isnt elected all his program will be disbanded. No, Ill be working until October 2107. Dont be easily deceived, as deep in your heart, you could think of not electing me, right? Deluded by [Quran surah]Al Maida verse 51, and all those stuff. You have a right[to vote], but you think that you cant vote [for me], because 'Im afraid of going to hell' ... no problem, that is yourpersonal preference. But thisprogram will go on."

His speech provoked an outcry from Muslims in Indonesia, including a written protest from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), and Ahok subsequentlyformally conveyed his apology on Monday, October 10, mentioning that his statement was not intended to insult the Koran or any Muslim.

When asked to comment regarding FPIs demonstration, Ahok didnt havae much to say, emphasizing that he was not going to issue another apology because he considersthe issue resolved.

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