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17 Juni 2024 17:30

This woman was determined to steal 143 cellphones belonging to her office, the reason behind this makes me sad

This woman's action was discovered after a difference was found in the product results detected in the system and the number of items available. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial

Brilio.net - A woman with the initials ES recently caught the public's attention because she was determined to steal a cell phone at work. It is known that the woman works at PT Sat Nusapersada Batam. Not half-hearted, the woman took 143 units of Xiaomi brand cellphones.

Currently, he has been detained by the Barelang Police Criminal Investigation Unit. This was stated by Head of Unit V Tipiter of the Barelang Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Iptu Doddi Setiawan.

"Yes, it is true that we have arrested an employee of PT Sat Nusa Persada in the name of Een. It is suspected that the perpetrator had embezzled 143 units of Xiaomi cellphones belonging to the company," he said, as reported by merdeka6.com on Monday (17/6).

recklessly stole 143 units of cellphones

After undergoing an examination, ES admitted that this was done because he was in debt from an online loan . Apart from that, he also has cooperative installments that must be paid every month.

Inspector Doddi Setiawan explained that the action was revealed to have started with a difference in the quantity of goods. The company found a difference in product results detected in the system with the number of items available.

After further investigation, it turned out that ES had embezzled the items. The perpetrator immediately sold the stolen goods to a collector. It was recorded that ES sold it at a price range of IDR 2.5 million to IDR 3 million. The perpetrator of the theft has also been detained by the police.

"We have also detained the buyers or collectors at the Barelang Police Headquarters," he said.

recklessly stole 143 units of cellphones

ES also admitted that he currently has a debt of IDR 100 million on the loan application. Apart from that, the installments in the cooperative reach IDR 50 million. He used the loan money to meet his daily needs.

"I sold the stolen cellphone to pay a debt," said ES when met at the Barelang Police.

The woman said that she first testified on Saturday, May 18 2024. She had moved the stolen cellphone to several different locations. Before finally all the stolen cellphones were stored in a certain place before ES left the factory location.

"Take it from the production machine, I happen to be the final part. I take one unit from one machine every day, then I first move it to a special shelf. Then store it in the room, before I move it again to another room, until I take it to the restroom to store so that you don't get checked," he added.

recklessly stole 143 units of cellphones

ES's arrest began with a report from the management of PT Sat Nusa Persada after conducting an audit on Wednesday 19 May 2024. From the audit, the company found that 134 cellphone packaging for various brands had no contents.

Apart from ES, the police also arrested two of his colleagues with the initials DK and J who were tasked with selling stolen goods. Investigators examined the three perpetrators intensively. Apart from that, the police also carried out pre-reconstruction at the company location.

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